
<a href=" Hellebore" class="display-item">Black Hellebore</a>

Black Hellebore

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 2

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 1000 Opals

Helleborus niger

Meaning: Death, the ending of a long lasting relationship or hardship.

The Black Hellebore is often thought to resemble a portal to the netherworld, due to its dark petals, ominous red gradient towards its bright yellow center. All parts with the exception of its petals are poisonous, so handle with care!

  • Found in: Green Coast Bay
  • Purpose: Potion, Crafting
  • Discovered by restingden's Shiori


Herbalism; Green Coast Bay

Drops From:

<a href=" Hibiscus" class="display-item">Sunkissed Hibiscus</a>

Sunkissed Hibiscus

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 1

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 700 Opals


Meaning: Beauty, perfection.

Sunkissed Hibiscus are named for the way their brilliant yellow petals glow in the sunlight. These are often collected for decoration, gift giving, and even making tropical scented perfumes.

  • Found in Green Coast Bay
  • Purpose: Single Use Item; Crafting
  • Discovered by lyari's Shinsu


Herbalism; Green Coast Bay

Drops From:

<a href=" Lotus" class="display-item">Pink Lotus</a>

Pink Lotus

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 1

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 200 Opals

Nelumbo nucifera 

Meaning: Enlightened spirit.

Pink Lotus flowers are always found blooming on lotus leaves, floating in naturally shallow ponds . These beautiful aquatic plants are often cultivated for medicinal purposes, as well as decoration for garden ponds.

  • Found in Green Coast Bay
  • Purpose: Potion ingredient
  • Discovered by lyari's Shinsu


Herbalism; Green Coast Bay

Drops From:

<a href=" Glory" class="display-item">Morning Glory</a>

Morning Glory

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 1

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 25 Opals

Ipomoea purpurea

Meaning: Unrequited love, tenacity.

These perennial flowers grow on vines, and will latch onto any object or structure. Morning Glories come in many varieties, including solid as well as bi-colors. If not tended to often, its vines will overgrow wildly. Its petals may treat stomach problems, as well as calm the mind if soaked in purified water. 

  • Found in Green Coast Bay
  • Purpose: Potion ingredient
  • Discovered by lyari's Shinsu


Herbalism; Green Coast Bay

Drops From:

<a href="" class="display-item">Wisteria</a>


Category: Flowers

Rarity: 1

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 80 Opals


Meaning: Creativity, longevity.

Wisteria are wooden climbing bines (not vines!) that have beautiful flowers that gradient from blue down to purple. These plants grow quite fast, reaching over 30ft within a short period of time. This particular specimen's flowers exude a faint sweet scent, making it perfect to use in perfumes.

  • Found in Green Coast Bay
  • Purpose: None
  • Discovered by lyari's Shinsu


Herbalism; Green Coast Bay

Drops From:

<a href="" class="display-item">Yarrow</a>


Category: Flowers

Rarity: 1

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 60 Opals

Achillea millefolium

Meaning: Courage during adversity, overcoming hardship.

Yarrow is an herb that is commonly used as an ingredient for medicine. Its effects help with fevers, colds, minor pain, and minor digestive issues. This plant blooms in clusters, naturally  growing just about anywhere that has plenty of sun.

  • Found in Green Coast Bay
  • Purpose: Potion ingredient
  • Discovered by lyari's Khun


Herbalism; Green Coast Bay

Drops From:

<a href="" class="display-item">Hypericum</a>


Category: Flowers

Rarity: 1

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 300 Opals


Meaning: Rebirth, inspiration.

Hypericum is a poisonous plant, whose all parts are not safe to eat, especially the berries. Its name derives from the toxin hypericin, which negatively affects the digestive system.

  • Found in Green Coast Bay
  • Purpose: Potion Ingredient
  • Discovered by lyari's Khun


Herbalism; Green Coast Bay

Drops From:

<a href=" Violet Mushroom" class="display-item">Silvery Violet Mushroom</a>

Silvery Violet Mushroom

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 2

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 175 Opals

Cortinarius alboviolaceus

Meaning: None, known for it's beauty

While it may look poisonous due to its pale purple cap and violet gills, it is actually edible! Not many chefs use this as an ingredient, however. This mushroom is also the type that can form "fairy rings" especially in grassy wooded areas.

  • Found in: Calico Woods
  • Purpose: Single Use Item; Potion ingredient
  • Discovered by @restingden's Shiori


Herbalism; Calico Woods

Drops From:

<a href=" Brown Stag" class="display-item">Red Brown Stag</a>

Red Brown Stag

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 3

Artist: mothkinq@dA

Resale Value: 2500 Opals

Lucanus Cervus

Stag beetles come in a variety of species, totaling over 900 stag beetle species alone! Their pincers, on males, are used to fight over territory and potential mates. Stag beetles can fly and have life of up to 7 years from egg to full adult. They are often collected by young kematas to fight against other bugs to see who can raise and catch the strongest beetles and large tournaments happen annually for this large fighting event.

  • Found in Red Wind Hills
  • Resale: 2500 Opals
  • Discovered by Ampmrm's Neshki.


Bug Catching; Red Wind Hills

Drops From:

<a href=" Eater" class="display-item">Fig Eater</a>

Fig Eater

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 1

Artist: mothkinq@dA

Resale Value: 60 Opals

Cotinis Mutabilis

Figeaters, also known as the Green Fruit Beetle, will eat a variety of plants but mostly love juicy fruits and vegetables such as figs, tomatoes, and peaches. They are considerd pests as they destroy gardens especially when in large numbers. They will not harm kematas in any way. Other than the occasional flying into ones face. 

  • Found in Red Wind Hills
  • Resale: 60 Opals
  • Discovered by Ampmrm's Neshki


Bug Catching; Red Wind Hills

Drops From:

<a href=" Insect" class="display-item">Stick Insect</a>

Stick Insect

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 2

Artist: mothkinq@dA

Resale Value: 100 Opals


Stick Insects, also called Stick bugs, are often confused with sticks due to their amazing camouflaging skills. Stick bugs can regenerate limbs they have lost, reproduce without male partners, and can even stand so still and become a stick itself. 

  • Found in Red Wind Hills
  • Resale: 100 Opals
  • Discovered by Ampmrm's Neshki


Bug Catching; Red Wind Hills

Drops From:

<a href=" Maple Moth" class="display-item">Rosy Maple Moth</a>

Rosy Maple Moth

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 1

Artist: mothkinq@dA

Resale Value: 75 Opals

Dryocampa rubicunda

The Rosy Maple moth is often referred to as "Great silk moths" due to their charming and vibrant looks. They are highly noticeable due to their pink and yellow colors. 



Bug Catching; Red Wind Hills

Drops From:

<a href=" Tortoise Beetle" class="display-item">Golden Tortoise Beetle</a>

Golden Tortoise Beetle

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 1

Artist: mothkinq@dA

Resale Value: 50 Opals

Charidotella sexpunctata

This shiny beetle is seen as a pest due to its constant eating of grape vines and similar plants. They also eat on root like plants.



Bug Catching; Red Wind Hills

Drops From:

<a href=" Bee" class="display-item">Honey Bee</a>

Honey Bee

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 1

Artist: mothkinq@dA

Resale Value: 90 Opals


One of the smallest creatures that travels the world yet has the biggest impact on how Kematas live and survive. At one point in time Honey bees almost went extinct but due to education and new found farms the honey bee has come back strong. 



Bug Catching; Red Wind Hills

Drops From:

<a href=" Mesquite Bug" class="display-item">Giant Mesquite Bug</a>

Giant Mesquite Bug

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 2

Artist: mothkinq@dA

Resale Value: 150 Opals

Thasus neocalifornicus

These pests can grow larger than 1 1/4 inches long, they are known for surviving on tree sap and actually do not hurt mesquite trees in any way they just populate quickly and can often cover a tree in their off spring. 



Bug Catching; Red Wind Hills

Drops From:

<a href=" Insect" class="display-item">Leaf Insect</a>

Leaf Insect

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 2

Artist: mothkinq@dA

Resale Value: 450 Opals


Is that a stick with leaves or just a leaf insect?? These guys are renowned for their camouflage and excellent skills from hiding away from predators.  the color of the leaf insect will depend on its surrounding area!



Bug Catching; Red Wind Hills

Drops From:

<a href=" Butterfly" class="display-item">Cabbage Butterfly</a>

Cabbage Butterfly

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 1

Artist: mothkinq@dA

Resale Value: 50 Opals

Pieris rapae

A butterfly that starts as a pest when in its larvae state, many kematas hate this butterfly as it means destruction for their crops.

  • Found in Red Wind Hills
  • Resale: 50 Opals
  • Discovered by Ampmrm's Neshki.


Bug Catching; Red Wind Hills

Drops From:

<a href=" Blue Butterfly" class="display-item">Common Blue Butterfly</a>

Common Blue Butterfly

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 1

Artist: mothkinq@dA

Resale Value: 50 Opals


The Common Blue Buttefly is addressed as such as it is the most easily found of all the  blue butterflies. This butterfly can be find in just about any habitat so long as it doesnt have snow as they do poorly in the cold.

  • Found in Calico Woods
  • Resale: 50 Opals
  • Discovered by Ampmrm's Neshki


Bug Catching; Calico Woods

Drops From:

<a href=" Butterfly" class="display-item">Tiger Butterfly</a>

Tiger Butterfly

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 2

Artist: mothkinq@dA

Resale Value: 350 Opals

Papilio glaucus

The tiger butterfly can be found in fields and warm forests where it will lay its eggs. Male Tiger Butterflies have more prominent stripes while females have smaller stripes or can have solid black bodies.

  • Found in Calico Woods
  • Value of 350 opals
  • Discovered by Ampmrm's Neshki


Bug Catching; Calico Woods

Drops From:

<a href="" class="display-item">Centipede</a>


Category: Bugs

Rarity: 1

Artist: mothkinq@dA

Resale Value: 80 Opals


Centipedes are predatory bugs that will eat just about any small bug they can get their claws on. They have strong pincers used to grab and tear at prey. Many kem mothers tell their kits that if a kem doesnt clean their ears well enough a centipede might crawl into their ears at night and lay 8000 eggs!!!

  • Found in Calico Woods
  • Resale: 80 Opals
  • Discovered by lyari's Quill


Bug Catching; Calico Woods

Drops From:

1171 results found.