Ice Blueberries
Some sweet wild berries. Unlike most places, Ereshka always has ice blueberries available year round!
- Cooking Ingredient
- Resale: 20 Opals
Free Range Exploration; Ereshka
Drops From:
Its hard outer shell make it difficult to get to the delicious nuts inside, but maybe with the right tool you can crack it open!
- Cooking Ingredient
- Resale: 30 Opals
Free Range Exploration; Ereshka
Drops From:
Well-Done Steak
It's a little overcooked and dry...
- Cooking Ingredient
- Single Use Item
- +5 HP when Monster Hunting
- Resale: 40 Opals
Free Range Exploration; Ereshka
Drops From:
Meat Log
A large hunk of raw meat. You're unsure of what exactly the meat is but it tastes great when cooked!
- Cooking Ingredient
- Resale: 100 Opals
Free Range Exploration; Ereshka
Drops From:
Hot Peppers
Ereshka says that eating hot peppers will not only warm your mouth but also your heart! Many brave Ereshkan warriors would eat pawfuls of Hot peppers before setting out on a long journey.
- Cooking Ingredient
- Resale: 50 Opals
Free Range Exploration; Ereshka
Drops From:
Fresh Cream
Fresh bottle of cream from the local farm, you can use this in many recipes!
- Cooking Ingredient
- Resale: 100 opals
Sticks of Cinnamon, you can use a grater to ground it, or simply put the sticks right into the pot.
- Cooking Ingredient
- Resale: 300 opals
Vanilla Bean
Sticks of vanilla bean, usually very pricey but add that special touch to a recipe that really brings out the sweet flavor!
- Cooking Ingredient
Resale: 1000 opals
Caramel Cube
A sweet little cube of caramel that gets stuck in your teeth.
- Cooking Ingredient
Resale: 200 opals
Red Currants
A handful of red currants. They’re bitter on their own, so it’s better to cook them.
- Cooking Ingredient
- Resale: 200 opals
Violet Petunia
Category: Flowers
Petunia integrifolia
Meaning: Enchantment, Fantasy, Charm, Grace, Mystery
The meaning of this flower can be a bit confusing sometimes! Depending on the kemata that gifts this flower and your relationship with them it can symbolize Anger and resentment or that being with you is calming to my spirit!
- Found in: Flora Fields
- Value of 30 opals
- Purpose: none
- Discovered by velvetycheerio Momiji
- Artwork by Hydrana
Peace Lily
Meaning: Hope, peace, purity, prosperity, and innocence.
The Peace Lily is often given to those who have lost a loved one recently, it symbolizes the purity of the soul. This flower is hardy in nature and can last several years if taken care of properly. It can prevent mold and mold spores from forming, used to keep air fresh.
Herbalism; Calico Woods
Drops From:
Skeleton Flower
Diphylleia grayi
Meaning: A flower sought out during hard and confusing times. Not usually given to others.
A flower that turns translucent when the rain comes. When dry the flower remains white. Many Kematas believe that if you digest it when you're scared, lost, or confused, it will take way those feelings. Often times during rainstorms you will see kematas desperately trying to find it.
- Found in: Calico Woods
- Purpose: Single Use Item; Cures confusion during monster hunts.
- Discovered by Ampmrm's Neshki
Herbalism; Calico Woods
Drops From:
Miracle Blossoms
Synsepalum dulcificum
Meaning: Given when a loved one is lost, forgiveness, rebirth
A flower of old times, said to have been the first bloom after Kazan's volcanic flames destroyed all of Val-shenn after the legendary war. The blossoms brought hope to the remaining kematas across the land as they rebuilt from the ground up. Can heal small wounds when ingested.
- Found in Calico Woods
- Purpose: Single Use Item, recovers 20 HP during monster hunts.
- Discovered by Ampmrm's Neshki
Herbalism; Calico Woods
Drops From:
White Discord
Calystegia sepium
Meaning: Fragility, hope, negative emotion.
When in bloom, the petal tips carefully curl inward to protect the flower's pistil and stamen, as if it does not want pollination to occur. Some kematas believe this flower symbolizes the end of love, not wanting to continue a relationship that has walls built around any semblance of passion.
- Found in Calico Woods
- Purpose: None
- Discovered by FiretailCat's Zoey
Herbalism; Calico Woods
Drops From:
Blue Primrose
Primula acaulis
Meaning: Unable to live without a partner, Youth.
Blue Primrose are as old as time, they were often given as signs of engagement when jewelry was hard to come by. They grow in the highest of mountains but have become wildly popular and have been farmed by high quality flower farms. They can cost a pretty penny as they are still advertised as engagement flowers. They are also often eaten in salads and the oil is used to keep fur and hair healthy and shiny! Known as the King's-Cure-all, the Primrose can be used to reduce fevers, cure poison, paralysis, and burns
- Found in: Calico Woods
- Purpose: Single Use Item, Cures poisons, paralysis and burns
- Discovered by restingden's Shin'ya
Herbalism; Red Wind Hills
Drops From:
Peach Blossom
Prunus persica
Meaning: Good luck and longevity.
A flower that blooms beautifully, albeit only in a short period of time. The petals gently fall from their trees, scattering about from the wind. Many kematas who specialize in medicine like to gather the petals for later use.
Herbalism; Calico Woods
Drops From:
Bleeding Heart
Lamprocapnos spectabilis
Meaning: Compassion and unconditional love.
It is said that these flowers grow only in places where someone accepts a confession of love, whether it be platonic or romantic. Tales of Bleeding Heart plants wilting due to rejection are cliche but still widely told. When used in love potions becareful! Direct contact with the concoction will cause infatuation with the creator of the love potion. If used on monsters, they will not attack for a certain amount of time.
- Found in: Calico Woods
- Purpose: Single Use Item; Potion Crafting
- Discovered by restingden's Shin'ya
Herbalism; Calico Woods
Drops From:
Fly Agaric
Amanita muscaria
A poisonous mushroom used for intoxication and even entheogen. When carefully handled, it could also be used for cooking!
Herbalism; Red Wind Hills
Drops From:
Beech Mushroom
Hypsizygus tessellatus
When cooked this edible mushroom has a crunchy and savory texture. it can be used in many dishes and can be easily found growing on wood; however, if eaten raw the taste will be unbearably bitter! Make sure you season and saute well! When cooked contains Vitamin B, potassium, zinc, and copper. Beneficial to Kematas growth, many kits are forced to eat this mushroom, at first they despise it but as time goes by they grow to love it.
Herbalism; Red Wind Hills
Drops From: