
<a href=" Mushroom" class="display-item">Chanterelle Mushroom</a>

Chanterelle Mushroom

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 2

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 275 Opals

Cantharellus cibarius

A very tasty mushroom used in gourmet meals. They are highly resistant to bugs but can be used to lure bugs in, especially beetles. Contains a good amount of Vitamin C but tastes bitter if eaten raw.

  • Found in Red Wind Hills
  • Value of 275 opals
  • Purpose: Single Use Item; Cooking
  • Discovered by velvetycheerio's Momiji


Herbalism; Red Wind Hills

Drops From:

<a href=" Daisy" class="display-item">Miracle Daisy</a>

Miracle Daisy

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 2

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 115 Opals

Bellis perennis

Meaning: Innocence and purity, May also symbolize new motherhood!

This flower is often paired with roses and sometimes moss, the flowers that you bundle with this one can change the meaning of the flower but generally they are associated with childhood innocence. According to old tales Hyozan would sprinkle the seeds of these flowers in the fields of parents grieving over a lost kit. This was a sign that their lost child was happy with him.



Herbalism; Red Wind Hills

Drops From:

<a href=" Tuft Mushroom" class="display-item">Sulfur Tuft Mushroom</a>

Sulfur Tuft Mushroom

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 2

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 300 Opals

Hypholoma fasciculare

Non edible and no medicinal benefits. This fungi is slightly poisonous, causing stomach pains and vomiting. Used to create monster paralysis potions.  

  • Found in Red Wind Hills
  • Purpose: Single Use Item; Potion crafting
  • Discovered by velvetycheerio's Momiji


Herbalism; Red Wind Hills

Drops From:

<a href=" Leratiomyces" class="display-item">Blue Leratiomyces</a>

Blue Leratiomyces

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 3

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 1500 Opals

Leratiomyces atrovirens

The lovely blue hue of this fungi reminds many of candy making it unsuspecting, but it contains toxins that are highly dangerous to Kematas. This toxin has been found to cause monsters sleep which makes this mushroom especially sought after by hunters.

  • Found in Red Wind Hills
  • Purpose: Single Use Item; Puts 1 monster to sleep for 3 turns.
  • Discovered by Ampmrm's Neshki


Herbalism; Red Wind Hills

Drops From:

<a href=" Rose" class="display-item">Split Rose</a>

Split Rose

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 3

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 115 Opals

Rosa moschata

Meaning: Charm and gentleness, May also symbolize sweetness!

Split roses are very hard to breed as they are a result of a genetic defect causing the rose to split into two colors. Because of the difficulty to breed these flowers they are often only owned by royalty and displayed at important events. These particular roses have a very strong fragrence and delicate petals. They can be ground up to stain fur and leather.

  • Found in Red Wind Hills
  • Purpose: none
  • Discovered by Ampmrm's Neshki


Herbalism; Red Wind Hills

Drops From:

<a href="" class="display-item">Sunflower</a>


Category: Flowers

Rarity: 1

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 50 Opals

Helianthus annuus 

Mening: Adoration, loyalty, longevity and happiness 

In the olden days Sunflowers were cultivated as a food source and fed many poor kematas. As the world grew so did the sunflowers popularity. When anyone saw this flower they would instantly gaining its meaning.

  • Found in Red Wind Hills
  • Purpose: Single Use Item, Recovers 10HP
  • Discovered by Ampmrm Neshki


Herbalism; Red Wind Hills

Drops From:

<a href="" class="display-item">Isopyreae</a>


Category: Flowers

Rarity: 2

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 250 Opals


Meaning: Typically symbolizes desire, love and the aspiration to reach the unobtainable.

  • Found in Red Wind Hills
  • Purpose: Single Use Item; Potion Crafting
  • Discovered by Ampmrm's Neshki


Herbalism; Red Wind Hills

Drops From:

<a href=" Petunia" class="display-item">Phantom Petunia</a>

Phantom Petunia

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 1

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 50 Opals

Petunia x hybrida

Meaning: anger and resentment

This beautiful flower holds dark meaning and often tied to dark magic. As it is nearly impossible to come across black colors in the flower world it holds strong magical properties. However if planted in a garden it may attract various bugs, be they pest or friend. Most kematas stray away from this flower as its rumored to bring bad luck. Used in dark magic potions, if ingested can have odd effects.

  • Found in Red Wind Hills
  • Purpose: Single Use Item; increase MG stat by 10 for 1 turn, but self-inflict poison for 1 turn.
  • Discovered by Crowflock's Jay


Herbalism; Red Wind Hills

Drops From:

<a href=" Petunia" class="display-item">Red Petunia</a>

Red Petunia

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 1

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 60 Opals

Petunia × atkinsiana

Meaning: Passion and Love

This lovely colored petunia is quiet commonly seen around shops, gardens, and parks.  Althought it generally has no true purpose for kematas it does encourage bee population to grow. Used in love potions. If ingested will have interesting effects.

  • Found in Red Wind Hills
  • Purpose: Single Use Item; increase the users ATK by 5 points for one turn.
  • Discovered by Ampmrm's Neshki


Herbalism; Red Wind Hills

Drops From:

<a href="" class="display-item">Viola</a>


Category: Flowers

Rarity: 1

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 45 Opals

Viola tricolor var. hortensis

Meaning: Modesty and Truth        

A simple flower that became wide spread after a great war in the olden days, the flower was ground into a paste and ingested to help sooth injuries and swelling. Nowadays it is found in shops, parks, and homes. Many say this flower was sent as a blessing from Hyozan to ensure strength to those who needed it.  These flowers can actually be used as medicine, with high antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, used to sooth swelling in Kemata injuries. 

  • Found in Red Wind Hills
  • Purpose: Single Use item; +5 HP healed in monster hunt.
  • Discovered by kaiju_soup's Palenteen




Herbalism; Red Wind Hills

Drops From:

<a href=" Vine" class="display-item">Winding Vine</a>

Winding Vine

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 1

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 70 Opals

Hedera helix

Meaning: None, used to "fill" a bouquet

A vine of many uses! Winding vines are known for uses in the olden days, where a kemata would apply it to stop heavy bleeding. When ground into a paste it can help heal burns and rashes. HP restoration by 15 points.

  • Found in: Calico Woods
  • Purpose: Single Use Item; Heals burn and 15HP during monster hunts.
  • Discovered by Ampmrm's Neshki


Herbalism; Calico Woods

Drops From:

<a href=" Vine" class="display-item">Angel Vine</a>

Angel Vine

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 1

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 85 Opals

Muehlenbeckia Complexa

Meaning: None, used to bring color to a bouquet

Angel vines are commonly found around parks and forests, much like a winding vine, they can be used for several medicinal uses. In olden days kematas would drain the juices from the shiny leaves to make it into a panacea of sorts.

  • Found in Calico Woods
  • Purpose: Single Use Item; Heals poison and 15HP
  • Discovered by Crowflock's Jay


Herbalism; Calico Woods

Drops From:

<a href=" Scales" class="display-item">Dragon Scales</a>

Dragon Scales

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 1

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 85 Opals

Alocasia Baginda

Meaning: Strength and determination, Used mostly in bouquets for warriors 

Dragon scales are quiet commonly found in towns and crawling along ship walls. Many kematas believed that the sturdy leaves of this plant can make a basic armor. They can be kind of hard to take care of as their requirements for indoor housing are high.

  • Found in Calico Woods
  • Purpose: Single Use Item, Raises DEF 2 points during monster hunts.
  • Discovered by Ampmrm's Chico


Herbalism; Calico Woods

Drops From:

<a href=" Vera Root" class="display-item">Aloe Vera Root</a>

Aloe Vera Root

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 2

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 200 Opals

Aloe Vera

Meaning: Protection and good luck in one's home.

Aloe Vera makes for a lovely house plant, very easy to care for and fun to create mini terrariums with.  It has practical uses as well, often as a moisturizer or treating minor cuts and burns.

  • Found in Calico Woods
  • Purpose: Single Use Item, Heals 20HP
  • Discovered by kaiju_soup's Caliber


Herbalism; Calico Woods

Drops From:

<a href=" Lily" class="display-item">Wild Lily</a>

Wild Lily

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 3

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 3000 Opals

Lilium canadense
Meaning: Purity and Rebirth
This rare flower is often given to those who have often lost a kit or loved one. It is said that Hyozan brought this to Kazan once as a peace offering after he had lost his own kit due to the ongoing war. A moment of peace was held between the two brothers as they both grieve the loss of an innocent soul. If you add this to a boquet you may get some strange looks. Heals 150 hp after a hunt. Used in tea's to rejuvinate those that are heavily sick.
  • Found in Green Coast Bay
  • Purpose: Single Use Item; Heals 150 HP after hunts
  • Discovered by lyari's Ryiah


Herbalism; Green Coast Bay

Drops From:

<a href="" class="display-item">Protea</a>


Category: Flowers

Rarity: 1

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 75 Opals

Meaning: Accepting of change, Intriguing, mysterous
The history of the Protea's name dates back to when the gods themselves were just kits. A Lesser god named Protheus would often avoid his duties and loaf around on islands. When the gods would come seeking him to do his work he would transform into this exact flower. You could say he was a master of hide and seek! This flower has some healing properties. The  gel inside of the protea's leaves can be used to relieve poison or burns.
  • Found in: Green Coast Bay
  • Purpose: Single Use Item; Heals poison or burn, Potion Crafting
  • Discovered by lyari's Ryiah


Herbalism; Green Coast Bay

Drops From:

<a href="" class="display-item">Gardenia</a>


Category: Flowers

Rarity: 1

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 85 Opals

Meaning: Purity, Secret love, Strong spiritual connection
The gardenia can have various meanings depending on the color of the flower itself. It was told that the great gods of the past would give these flowers to other gods who they were forbidden to see. Even to this day the gods present these types of flowers via star constellation, showing their secret loves that they are always thinking about them. Use this item one time for a 10% chance to befriend a spirit familiar.
  • Found in Green Coast Bay
  • Purpose: Single Use Item, Potion crafting
  • Discovered by lyari's Lara


Herbalism; Green Coast Bay

Drops From:

<a href=" Plant" class="display-item">Snake Plant</a>

Snake Plant

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 1

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 75 Opals

Dracaena trifasciata
Meaning: None. Indoor house plant
There isn't much history to the snake plant. It's a very hardy plant that is recomended for novices. It can go two weeks without water but afterwards it can be a little on the damatic side. Althought ther is no meaning to it, it has great healing properties to cure paralysis
  • Found in: Green Coast Bay
  • Purpose: Single Use Item; Cures paralysis after hunts, Potion Crafting
  • Discovered by lyari's Lara


Herbalism; Green Coast Bay

Drops From:

<a href=" Arboreum" class="display-item">Aeonium Arboreum</a>

Aeonium Arboreum

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 1

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 90 Opals

Aeonium Arboreum
Meaning: None "pet" plant
A plant that seems to live forever if you learn how to take care of it right. They don't need much water. The leaves have a jelly substance inside which can be used to attract monsters? Only bring this item with you if you're trying to fight extra monsters! Allows for a 10% chance to fight an additional monster of any size. 
  • Found in Green Coast Bay
  • Purpose: Single Use Item, Potion crafting
  • Discovered by lyari's Lara




Herbalism; Green Coast Bay

Drops From:

<a href=" Poppy Mallow" class="display-item">Palmleaf Poppy Mallow</a>

Palmleaf Poppy Mallow

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 1

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 85 Opals

Callirhoe pedata
Meaning: Longing for love or companionship
This flower is the herald of summer, blooming at its fullest on very hot days. Also referred to as 'wine cups' due to their chalice shape and color. Serves as a pain killer, heals 50 hp after a monster hunt.

  • Found in Green Coast Bay
  • Purpose: Single Use Item; Heals 50HP after hunts, Potion Crafting
  • Discovered by lyari's Lara



Herbalism; Green Coast Bay

Drops From:

1171 results found.