<a href="https://valshenn.net/world/items?name=Angel Vine" class="display-item">Angel Vine</a>

Angel Vine

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 1

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 85 Opals

Muehlenbeckia Complexa

Meaning: None, used to bring color to a bouquet

Angel vines are commonly found around parks and forests, much like a winding vine, they can be used for several medicinal uses. In olden days kematas would drain the juices from the shiny leaves to make it into a panacea of sorts.

  • Found in Calico Woods
  • Purpose: Single Use Item; Heals poison and 15HP
  • Discovered by Crowflock's Jay


Herbalism; Calico Woods

Drops From: