<a href="https://valshenn.net/world/items?name=Morning Glory" class="display-item">Morning Glory</a>

Morning Glory

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 1

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 25 Opals

Ipomoea purpurea

Meaning: Unrequited love, tenacity.

These perennial flowers grow on vines, and will latch onto any object or structure. Morning Glories come in many varieties, including solid as well as bi-colors. If not tended to often, its vines will overgrow wildly. Its petals may treat stomach problems, as well as calm the mind if soaked in purified water. 

  • Found in Green Coast Bay
  • Purpose: Potion ingredient
  • Discovered by lyari's Shinsu


Herbalism; Green Coast Bay

Drops From: