Winding Vine
Hedera helix
Meaning: None, used to "fill" a bouquet
A vine of many uses! Winding vines are known for uses in the olden days, where a kemata would apply it to stop heavy bleeding. When ground into a paste it can help heal burns and rashes. HP restoration by 15 points.
- Found in: Calico Woods
- Purpose: Single Use Item; Heals burn and 15HP during monster hunts.
- Discovered by Ampmrm's Neshki
Herbalism; Calico Woods
Drops From:
Angel Vine
Muehlenbeckia Complexa
Meaning: None, used to bring color to a bouquet
Angel vines are commonly found around parks and forests, much like a winding vine, they can be used for several medicinal uses. In olden days kematas would drain the juices from the shiny leaves to make it into a panacea of sorts.
Herbalism; Calico Woods
Drops From:
Dragon Scales
Alocasia Baginda
Meaning: Strength and determination, Used mostly in bouquets for warriors
Dragon scales are quiet commonly found in towns and crawling along ship walls. Many kematas believed that the sturdy leaves of this plant can make a basic armor. They can be kind of hard to take care of as their requirements for indoor housing are high.
- Found in Calico Woods
- Purpose: Single Use Item, Raises DEF 2 points during monster hunts.
- Discovered by Ampmrm's Chico
Herbalism; Calico Woods
Drops From:
Aloe Vera Root
Aloe Vera
Meaning: Protection and good luck in one's home.
Aloe Vera makes for a lovely house plant, very easy to care for and fun to create mini terrariums with. It has practical uses as well, often as a moisturizer or treating minor cuts and burns.
- Found in Calico Woods
- Purpose: Single Use Item, Heals 20HP
- Discovered by kaiju_soup's Caliber
Herbalism; Calico Woods
Drops From:
Wild Lily
- Found in Green Coast Bay
- Purpose: Single Use Item; Heals 150 HP after hunts
- Discovered by lyari's Ryiah
Herbalism; Green Coast Bay
Drops From:
- Found in: Green Coast Bay
- Purpose: Single Use Item; Heals poison or burn, Potion Crafting
- Discovered by lyari's Ryiah
Herbalism; Green Coast Bay
Drops From:
Herbalism; Green Coast Bay
Drops From:
Snake Plant
- Found in: Green Coast Bay
- Purpose: Single Use Item; Cures paralysis after hunts, Potion Crafting
- Discovered by lyari's Lara
Herbalism; Green Coast Bay
Drops From:
Aeonium Arboreum
- Found in Green Coast Bay
- Purpose: Single Use Item, Potion crafting
- Discovered by lyari's Lara
Herbalism; Green Coast Bay
Drops From:
Palmleaf Poppy Mallow
- Found in Green Coast Bay
- Purpose: Single Use Item; Heals 50HP after hunts, Potion Crafting
- Discovered by lyari's Lara
Herbalism; Green Coast Bay
Drops From:
Black Hellebore
Helleborus niger
Meaning: Death, the ending of a long lasting relationship or hardship.
The Black Hellebore is often thought to resemble a portal to the netherworld, due to its dark petals, ominous red gradient towards its bright yellow center. All parts with the exception of its petals are poisonous, so handle with care!
- Found in: Green Coast Bay
- Purpose: Potion, Crafting
- Discovered by restingden's Shiori
Herbalism; Green Coast Bay
Drops From:
Sunkissed Hibiscus
Meaning: Beauty, perfection.
Sunkissed Hibiscus are named for the way their brilliant yellow petals glow in the sunlight. These are often collected for decoration, gift giving, and even making tropical scented perfumes.
Herbalism; Green Coast Bay
Drops From:
Pink Lotus
Nelumbo nucifera
Meaning: Enlightened spirit.
Pink Lotus flowers are always found blooming on lotus leaves, floating in naturally shallow ponds . These beautiful aquatic plants are often cultivated for medicinal purposes, as well as decoration for garden ponds.
Herbalism; Green Coast Bay
Drops From:
Morning Glory
Ipomoea purpurea
Meaning: Unrequited love, tenacity.
These perennial flowers grow on vines, and will latch onto any object or structure. Morning Glories come in many varieties, including solid as well as bi-colors. If not tended to often, its vines will overgrow wildly. Its petals may treat stomach problems, as well as calm the mind if soaked in purified water.
Herbalism; Green Coast Bay
Drops From:
Meaning: Creativity, longevity.
Wisteria are wooden climbing bines (not vines!) that have beautiful flowers that gradient from blue down to purple. These plants grow quite fast, reaching over 30ft within a short period of time. This particular specimen's flowers exude a faint sweet scent, making it perfect to use in perfumes.
Herbalism; Green Coast Bay
Drops From:
Achillea millefolium
Meaning: Courage during adversity, overcoming hardship.
Yarrow is an herb that is commonly used as an ingredient for medicine. Its effects help with fevers, colds, minor pain, and minor digestive issues. This plant blooms in clusters, naturally growing just about anywhere that has plenty of sun.
Herbalism; Green Coast Bay
Drops From:
Meaning: Rebirth, inspiration.
Hypericum is a poisonous plant, whose all parts are not safe to eat, especially the berries. Its name derives from the toxin hypericin, which negatively affects the digestive system.
Herbalism; Green Coast Bay
Drops From:
Silvery Violet Mushroom
Cortinarius alboviolaceus
Meaning: None, known for it's beauty
While it may look poisonous due to its pale purple cap and violet gills, it is actually edible! Not many chefs use this as an ingredient, however. This mushroom is also the type that can form "fairy rings" especially in grassy wooded areas.
- Found in: Calico Woods
- Purpose: Single Use Item; Potion ingredient
- Discovered by @restingden's Shiori
Herbalism; Calico Woods
Drops From: