
<a href="" class="display-item">Mosquito</a>


Category: Bugs

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 55 Opals


This specific Mosquito type is more known to attack familiars and animals such as cows! Unfortunatley this mosquito can carry a larvae that attacks the hearts of Krooks and Flibbs so make sure to give your beloved companions their preventative medicine every month to keep this nasty bug away. They can be hard to find during the day but generally hide in shady areas. They are most active at night.



Bug Catching; Green Coast Bay

Drops From:

<a href=" Bear Caterpillar" class="display-item">Woolly Bear Caterpillar</a>

Woolly Bear Caterpillar

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 1

Artist: mothkinq@dA

Resale Value: 60 Opals

Pyrrharctia isabella

This small creature might look cute and fluffy but they have countless stingers! The "fur" that stands of their bodies allows them to sting an enemy, causing their wound to swell and burn for a short amount of time. Never ever handle this with your bare paws! This little guy transforms into the Isabella Tiger Moth! 

  • Found in Green Coast Bay
  • Resale: 60 Opals
  • Discovered by lyari's Ryiah


Bug Catching; Green Coast Bay

Drops From:

<a href=" Cicada" class="display-item">Dog-Day Cicada</a>

Dog-Day Cicada

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 55 Opals


Some kems love em and some hate them. Dog Day cicada's song is much like a power saw cutting through a thick tree, it lasts for several seconds before fading away to nothing. You can tell dog-day cicadas apart from the rest of their family by the  color veins on its wing. These cicadas wings start green at the base of their wing then gradient into a black shade. Whatever you do, don't touch them! They scream really loud and flap their wings very fast to intimidate pretadors. 

  • Found in Green Coast Bay
  • Resale: 55 Opals
  • Discovered by Ampmrm's Neshki


Bug Catching; Green Coast Bay

Drops From:

<a href=" Caterpillar" class="display-item">Green Caterpillar</a>

Green Caterpillar

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 1

Artist: mothkinq@dA

Resale Value: 50 Opals


It's hard to tell whether this green baby is going to turn into a buttefly or a moth as it has no distinctive markings! However if you can pin point its biome location you should be able to tell then! 

  • Found in Green Coast Bay
  • Value of 50 opals
  • Discovered by restingden's Aurora


Bug Catching; Green Coast Bay

Drops From:

<a href=" Striped Grasshopper" class="display-item">Green Striped Grasshopper</a>

Green Striped Grasshopper

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 85 Opals

Chortophaga viridifasciata

A common grasshopper that can be found all across val-shenn. Some kems like to leap into the grass to startle all of the nearby grasshoppers, its an easy way to snag a lot of bugs at once! 



Bug Catching; Green Coast Bay

Drops From:

<a href=" Praying Mantis" class="display-item">Green Praying Mantis</a>

Green Praying Mantis

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 90 Opals

Mantis religiosa

The Green Praying mantis is a very common bug, it can be found hiding in flower petals, waiting to catch its next prey. Praying mantis have no fear and will leap onto anything it deems a threat. Although they cannot harm kematas it is very startling to be jumped by one!

  • Found in Green Coast Bay
  • Value of 90 opals
  • Discovered by lyari's Elspeth


Bug Catching; Green Coast Bay

Drops From:

<a href=" Carpenter Bee" class="display-item">Violet Carpenter Bee</a>

Violet Carpenter Bee

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 2

Artist: mothkinq@dA

Resale Value: 435 Opals

Xylocopa violacea

Unlike your averae bee, these purple bees live in dead wood. Females carve tunnels in the wood and do most of the work while male bees are used primarly for breeding and collecting small amounts of pollen. They are quiet large in size compared to most bees but are very docile and only attack if provoked. They will always lead a friendy kem to the most beauiful of flowers. 

  • Found in Green Coast Bay
  • Resale: 435 Opals
  • Discovered by restingden's Yasuo


Bug Catching; Green Coast Bay

Drops From:

<a href=" Bee" class="display-item">Queen Bee</a>

Queen Bee

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 2

Artist: mothkinq@dA

Resale Value: 500 Opals

Apis mellifera

A queen bee is what drives a bee to work. If you take the queen bee with you the whole hive will follow. Many experienced kems who farm Honey bees know how to find the queen bee with ease. Queen bee larva are three times as large as a normal bee larva, once they reach full maturity the queen bee will leave the hive to start their own colony.

  • Found in Green Coast Bay
  • Resale: 500 Opals
  • Discovered by lyari's Khun


Bug Catching; Green Coast Bay

Drops From:

<a href=" Bug" class="display-item">Wheel Bug</a>

Wheel Bug

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 1

Artist: mothkinq@dA

Resale Value: 65 Opals

Arilus Cristatus

They are commonly found around fields and gardens, their most  distinctive feature is the crested wheel on their back. They come from the same family as the Assassin bug, meaning that they can have a painful bite if not handled carefully, causing inflammation and blistering. When they consume prey their saliva causes paralysis, eating them alive in their frozen state. 

  • Found in Red Wind Hills
  • Resale: 65 Opals
  • Discovered by Ampmrm's Neshki


Bug Catching; Red Wind Hills

Drops From:

<a href=" Ash Jewel Beetle" class="display-item">Emerald Ash Jewel Beetle</a>

Emerald Ash Jewel Beetle

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 2

Resale Value: 1500 Opals

Agrilus planipennis

Kematas of olden days would use the wings of the jewel beetle to create unique jewlery. To this day this practice is still used and many jewelry pieces have jewel beetle wings as accents to things such as opals or rubys! This particular Jewel beetle can be found living on ash trees. They burrow tunnels to lay their eggs and the larvae eat the tree until they reach their final stage. These little bugs sell for a pretty penny and are highly sought after by Jewlery crafters

  • Crafting Item
  • Found in Green Coast Bay
  • Resale: 1500 Opals
  • Discovered by lyari's Ryiah


Bug Catching; Green Coast Bay

Drops From:

<a href=" Mimic Beetle" class="display-item">Ice Mimic Beetle</a>

Ice Mimic Beetle

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 200 Opals

mimicus glacies 

A small bug about 3 cm wide. It can be seen in cracks and crevices of glaciers and ice caps. The community of ereshka are doing their best to rid their territory of this bug, as the eating of the ice caps and glaciers can cause large cracks in the ice and snow, causing avalanches and glacier crumbling.

  • Found in Ereshka
  • Value: 200 Opals
  • Discovered by Tovaks' Basheil


Bug Catching; Ereshka

Drops From:

<a href=" Sawyer Beetle" class="display-item">Pine Sawyer Beetle</a>

Pine Sawyer Beetle

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 250 Opals

Acanthocinus aedilis

This strangely shaped beetle can survive freezing temperatures of -37 F, in their adult and larvae form! They can often be found burrowed at the base of trees, as wood is their main source of food. They both benefit and harm the envoirment, as their development within wood creates nutrient cycling but also makes way for harmful fungus. Male Pine Sawyer Beetles anttenas can be 3 times the size of their body while female are, on average, about 1.5 times their body. Not much else is known about this species.

  • Found in Ereshka
  • Value: 250 Opals
  • Discovered by Tovaks' Basheil


Bug Catching; Ereshka

Drops From:

<a href=" Wood Wasp" class="display-item">Horntail Wood Wasp</a>

Horntail Wood Wasp

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 1000 Opals

Eriotremex formosanus

The larvae of this horntail are often found burrowed in dead or rotting trees, their main source of food are beetles. They rarely sting kems but when they do it can be painful, thankfully theyre not deadly to kematas but if stung by multiple Horntails they should seek medical attention! Generally the Horntail is a docile creature and does not go out of its way to bother others.

  • Found in Ereshka
  • Value: 1000 Opals
  • Discovered by Tovaks' Basheil


Bug Catching; Ereshka

Drops From:

<a href=" Pine Beetle" class="display-item">Mountain Pine Beetle</a>

Mountain Pine Beetle

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 1250 Opals

Dendroctonus ponderosae

This beetle comes in a varied size of 2-5 cm. This little creature is considered Val-shenns most stubborn pest. They can be found in pine trees all across val-shenn, burrying their eggs under the bark of Pine trees and causing strange fungi to form and cause many trees to rot. In the ____ era, Dendroctonus ponderosae caused over 80% of pine trees to die out, which caused mass hysteria across Val-shenn. 

  • Found in Ereshka
  • Value: 1250 Opals
  • Discovered by ???


Bug Catching; Ereshka

Drops From:

<a href=" Swallowtail Caterpillar" class="display-item">Black Swallowtail Caterpillar</a>

Black Swallowtail Caterpillar

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 500 Opals

Papilio Polyxenes Asterius

This large caterpillar can be found commonly burrowed in ereshkan gardens. They particularly love dill and parsley leaves to munch on. Once they've fattened up enough to go into their chrysalis state, beautiful Black Swallowtail butterflies will emerge. This caterpillar is very poisonous to kematas so its best to avoid touching them for too long!

  • Found in Ereshka
  • Value: 500 Opals
  • Discovered by Tovaks' Basheil


Bug Catching; Ereshka

Drops From:

<a href=" Blue Butterfly" class="display-item">Lupine Blue Butterfly</a>

Lupine Blue Butterfly

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 2

Resale Value: 1500 Opals

caricia lupini

This beautiful specimen can be found high up in ereshkan mountains during the short spring season. They are hard to miss due to their blue hue. Lupine Blue carries a wingspan of about 22-29 mm, and can be found eating flower nectar. According to Kemata history, these small butterflies are messangers from Hyozan, informing kematas that death will come for them soon and to not be afraid. 

  • Found in Ereshka
  • Value: 1500 Opals
  • Discovered by Tovaks' Basheil


Bug Catching; Ereshka

Drops From:

<a href=" Stonefly" class="display-item">Glacier Stonefly</a>

Glacier Stonefly

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 2

Resale Value: 3000 Opals

zapada glacier

A rare and illusive speices of Stonefly, it is said that Glacier Stoneflies shaped the glaciers and mountains with their steel like jaws. They eat the ice and snow in small chunks. Their life span is short, on average about 1-4 weeks once they leave their larvae stage.

  • Found in Ereshka
  • Value: 3000 Opals
  • Discovered by ???
  • Artwork by @firetailcat


Bug Catching; Ereshka

Drops From:

37 results found.