<a href="https://valshenn.net/world/items?name=Black Swallowtail Caterpillar" class="display-item">Black Swallowtail Caterpillar</a>

Black Swallowtail Caterpillar

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 500 Opals

Papilio Polyxenes Asterius

This large caterpillar can be found commonly burrowed in ereshkan gardens. They particularly love dill and parsley leaves to munch on. Once they've fattened up enough to go into their chrysalis state, beautiful Black Swallowtail butterflies will emerge. This caterpillar is very poisonous to kematas so its best to avoid touching them for too long!

  • Found in Ereshka
  • Value: 500 Opals
  • Discovered by Tovaks' Basheil


Bug Catching; Ereshka

Drops From: