<a href="https://valshenn.net/world/items?name=Violet Carpenter Bee" class="display-item">Violet Carpenter Bee</a>

Violet Carpenter Bee

Category: Bugs

Rarity: 2

Artist: mothkinq@dA

Resale Value: 435 Opals

Xylocopa violacea

Unlike your averae bee, these purple bees live in dead wood. Females carve tunnels in the wood and do most of the work while male bees are used primarly for breeding and collecting small amounts of pollen. They are quiet large in size compared to most bees but are very docile and only attack if provoked. They will always lead a friendy kem to the most beauiful of flowers. 

  • Found in Green Coast Bay
  • Resale: 435 Opals
  • Discovered by restingden's Yasuo


Bug Catching; Green Coast Bay

Drops From: