
<a href="'s Log" class="display-item">Captain's Log</a>

Captain's Log

Category: Equipment

Rarity: 2

Artist: Stock

Resale Value: 4000 Opals

An old journal that belonged to a sea captain. Some of the pages mention good fishing spots, so reading up on that can be useful!
The rest of the journal is mostly filled with weird dreams and awkward stories that give you second-hand embarassment. It almost makes you feel a sense of pity. Almost.

  • Equipment
    • +1 to 5 additional fish when Fishing.
      • Number earned is random.
      • Items can affect amount found.
  • Resale: 4,000 Opals


Indoor Exploration; Green Coast Bay

<a href="" class="display-item">Log</a>


Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 40 Opals

A large cut of wood straight from a tree. It feels a bit heavy,  but is of good quality. Logs of wood are essential for building houses, carts, campfires, furniture--the possibilities seem endless!
  • Crafting Material
  • Resale: 40 Opals


Free Range Exploration; Calico Woods

<a href=" Log" class="display-item">Meat Log</a>

Meat Log

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 100 Opals

A large hunk of raw meat. You're unsure of what exactly the meat is but it tastes great when cooked!

  • Cooking Ingredient
  • Resale: 100 Opals


Free Range Exploration; Ereshka

3 results found.