Light's Haven

Created: 28 September 2024, 12:33:54 CDT
Last updated: 11 November 2024, 14:33:47 CST
Your eyes were graced with the sight of lush moss and warm rays on the forest floor...


 A freshly woven flower crown sat atop Jang-Mi's white hair. She padded about softly as small yellow balls of pollen drifted down from the tree tops. "This is where spirits connect to us the strongest." She rested her sky blue eyes on you, a warm smile painting her face. "We all have a spirit guardian that watches over us, they do so much for us and always ensure our safe return from long journeys." You glanced about, each tree was lush with moss and even the grass below felt amazingly soft, you wondered what made this forest much different from others? As if she could read your mind Jang-mi pointed her muzzle to a small pond where several spirits gathered to take a drink. "The Spirit Well there was created from millions of spirit's tears! It keeps the forest lush even through the coldest winters. If you want to truly befriend and gain to trust of spirits you're gonna have to trust me on this one!"

Mother of Spirits Jang-Mi

Spirit Charmer Master
Nicknames: Mimi
Species: Kemata
Gender: Female
Height: 95 cm

Often found aloof or seen staring into nature, basking in the beauty of the world. She finds amusement in awful jokes and spending her time with spirits as she collects flowers. She is a gentle individual who loves all forms of life.She loves to collect flowers of all types and turns them into flower  crowns. Her biggest desire, aside from loving all spirits, is to learn how to bake, she's awful at cooking and baking. A bit air headed, tells awful jokes, always smiling beautifully.


Jang-Mi challenges you to prove yourself as the Spirit Charmer you claim to be! In order to prove your worth you must select 3 out of the 10 prompts listed below:

Prompt 1: 
Somehow, you were drawn to this class in particular. It felt like it was a reflection
of your inner core and you were convinced it will be your life’s work to pursue this class.
How did you happen to join this class?

Prompt 2:
Spirits are meant to be tranquil beings that represent peace and life,
but on the very rare occasion they can also become malice and dangerous.
Their change in nature can also result in their transformation into demons,
creatures forged by corrupted etherite changing the very fabric of their being.
Jang Mi  has brought you to a caged spirit on the verge of becoming a demon.
Its physique has morphed into something large, like a ball of indescribable
pain and anger. “Spirits are complex and beautiful creatures that reflect the
state of a kem’s mentality and intentions. This spirit in particular has came
across a kem who obviously means bad news, but we have someone
taking care of that kem.” Jang Mi opens the gate.
“Please, help this spirit find its way back to the light.” 

Prompt 3: 

A class peer appears to be having trouble with honing their abilities.
You decided to help your fellow peer and motivate them. How do you help them?

Prompt 4:
Jang Mi challenges you to test your skills by proving your worth as a
Spirit Charmer by completing the Val Shenn’s Stand Up Comedy Competition.
You’re pitted against other comedians from across Val Shenn who have to get out
their best jokes with the goal to make the audience laugh their toots off!
The audience? Spirits! Spirits love a good laugh! What's gonna be your best joke? 

Prompt 5:
Your friends are a bit confused at what you do for your faction.
They haven't settled on what to pick for their class of magic, so they're looking
to you for advice; show off your skills in the class you picked to help them decide!

Prompt 6:
Spirits are things of etheric evolution, beautiful and sacred, almost ethereal. These beings
of beast and etherite respect all forms of life equally, as we should respect them as well.
As a Spirit Charmer, you have the prowess to tame these amiable creatures.
How was your first experience encountering a spirit? 

Prompt 7:
You decided to hike on a cool and sunny day through Calico Woods
where spirits especially love to wander. You hear the shrieks of fear from kits
as wisps of spirits swirl over their heads in jest, but the kits are unaware of the
whimsical nature of spirits, so they hide under a log waiting for someone to save them.
Help the kits understand the spirits a little better.

Prompt 8:
You see Jang Mi crying, hunched over a ball of light; it was a spirit balled
up in her paws that she saved from a monster attack. The spirit was small,
weakened and especially frightened. Jang Mi, might need some help soothing
this Spirit and nurture for them back to health.

Prompt 9:
Jang Mi came up to you with urgency. She explains that she’s looking for
any help with guiding a school of spirits to their new home, an open clearing deep
in the Calico Woods. You decide to go with her as she takes you through a wonderfully
colored forest with plants that seem like they were painted colors out of a exotic masterpiece.
The glow of the spirits were like a flood of fireflies that hung over your head, in a lost frenzy.
Help your Class Master guide these spirits through the forest towards their new home. 

Prompt 10:
“Where does the General keep his armies?” Jang Mi’s eyes widened with anticipation
as she held her breath, “In his sleevies!” She fell over in hysterical laughter, “I thought of
that last night when I was baking my salad!” She was still on the ground laughing, gasping
for air in between little hiccups of laughter. A few spirits drew closer around the two of
you and watched the Class master chuckle to death. You can tell by their expressions that they
didn’t really like the joke. Jang Mi calmed a bit when she noticed none of the spirits were laughing.
Her ears folded back, almost as if she was hurt. She seemed very proud of that joke, too.
Prove the spirits wrong by giving your hardest and loudest laugh.

How to Participate

You must select 3 prompts that best fit your kemata and depcit them either via writing or drawing completing the prompts.

3 kematas can participate in the SAME CLASS PROMPTS at one time, you may NOT mix and match different class submissions. 
eg: A kemata mastering Theif may not be submitted with a kemata learning Guardian!

Click "Toggle Spoiler" below to see the prompt details on what to fill out:

Toggle Spoiler

You must submit 3 of the prompts of your choice in this submission to qualify for the class II level.
Only three Kematas may participate per submission!
This is unless they have a skill that allows for an additional kemata.
The three kematas can participate in the same class prompt, but you cannoy mix and match different classes.

If a kemata is participating (e. background kemata) but not being leveled, they can still earn EXP but will not receive the class II leveling.
If you use someone else's kemata please make sure you have permission; they will have to submit the art for EXP on their own, separate from your submission.


Please include in the "Comments" section:
Prompts Link:


Do not select a reward on the submission page.
There is no reward to submitting a class leveling prompt beyond the skill you gain from level II.


Please include in the "Comments" section:
Calculate the EXP earned by using this chart.
After attaching your Kemata, there will be a section called "Character Rewards."
Input the total EXP earned in the "Amount" section.


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Your "New Submission" page should look something like this.