Please use the following information to calculate your earned experience (EXP).
On top of any base rewards, your character earns EXP depending on your piece.
You must write out your EXP calculations in the "Comments" section on the submission/claim page.
Then, under Characters > Character Rewards, you may input the total by clicking "Add Reward."
If your calculations are incorrect, a mod may modify the amount.
2D Artwork
This includes traditional or digital drawings.
+ 1 Head / Bust
- Must show at least 25% of character. (ex. headshot or portrait)
- Half body depictions fall under this category.
- Half body shows 50% of the character or less.
- Characters that are shown less than 25% (ex. paw, tail, snout) cannot be claimed for EXP.
+ 3 Full Body
- Must show at least 75% of character.
+ 1 Clean Sketch / Lineart
- Must accurately depict the Kemata and its markings with greyscale, crosshatching, etc.
- Markings can be slightly simplifed, but markings like leopard marks cannot be made into dots for example.
- If reusing your lineart as a base, you can only claim CS / L once.
+ 2 Flat Colored
- Must accurately depict the Kemata and its markings using its base colors.
+ 3 Colored & Shaded
- Must accurately depict the Kemata and its markings with its base colors and shading.
- Needs at least a few spots shaded, and not just one spot and super simple. (ex. back leg is darker color)
+ 1 Simple Background
- Very basic, minimal background elements with little to no detail.
- Must be more than a block of color or simple gradient, which does not count for EXP.
- Repeating patterns, item props, and shaped layouts fall under this category.
+ 3 Detailed Background
- Plenty of detail, depth, and background elements used to create a believable environment.
- Has two of the three: background, middle-ground, and foreground.
+ 2 Simple Animation
- Eyes blinking, tail wag, etc.
- Must have at least five differently drawn frames.
+ 5 Detailed Animation
- Must be significantly animated, such as a run cycle.
- Rewards may increase depending on complexity.
- You must follow Rules & FAQ > Art Rules.
- For comics, each panel counts as its own image, as long as there is a significant difference.
- Word count is not applicable for comics unless separate transcript is provided for each chapter, arc, etc.
- Similarly, videos of animations (ex. animation memes, amv, pmv) can also be counted as it's own image/animation per different shot.
- Shots that are used multiple times (ex. a head bop used twice in the meme) would be counted only one time.
This includes stories, poems, roleplay, etc.
+ 5 General Text
- At least 400 words for standalone piece.
- Should be proofread before submitting with an attempt to follow the rules of English grammar.
- Character must be mentioned at least eight times (barring pronouns) to count as a participating character.
+ 5 Poetry
- Imagery, verse, or elevated thoughts that may or may not not follow grammar rules.
- Please bundle together shorter works until 400 words reached.
+ 5 RP Logs
- Must be cleaned, formatted, with at least 400 words per participant.
- Cannot have unrelated OOC text from the RP, unless it is important to the context of the story.
- RP participants will each receive the total amount, it is not split between them.
- Only one participant needs to submit the RP Log, listing all characters.
- Must follow Rules & FAQ > Roleplay Rules.
+ 1 per 100 Additional Words
- On top of the base requirement of 400 words of any writing pieces above.
- You must include the word count somewhere in your submission.
- Top or bottom of page is suggested.
- We suggest listing character's name and their descriptions (ex. the blue kem, the spotted kem) at the top or bottom of the page.
- We suggest listing the name and number of times mentioned at the top or bottom of the page.
- We will look at and score other misc types of literature accordingly.
- Drawings and writing can be graded each as one piece, but you need to hit the 400 word threshold to count writing.
3D Crafts
This includes handmade items such as sculptures, plushies, dioramas, etc.
+ 7 Small / Simple Craft
- Anything small (miniatures, charms, etc.) or with little to no detail falls under this category.
+ 15 Large / Detailed Craft
- Anything decently sized (plushie, diorama, etc.) or detailed falls under this category.
+ 1 Subsequent Image
- Every additional photograph of your craft.
- Each image must be significantly different in terms of angle, lighting, background, etc.
- Can count a 4 point turn around of a character to show all angles, but a slight turn does not count.
- We will look at and score other types of 3D crafts accordingly or upon request.
Activity Bonuses
These are additional EXP points that can be earned for completing activities.
+ 3 per Activity Submission
- Bug Hunting, Fishing, Free Range Exploration, Indoor Exploration, Herbalism, Mining, and Beach Combing.
- Bi-weekly Prompts, NPC Request Board, Bandit Raids, Secret Monster Hunts.
+ 5 per Large Activity Submission
- Expedition Exploration
- Event Prompts
+ 5 per Monster Hunt
- + 2 for braided hair/fur during the hunt.
- Counts if the kem has braided fur/hair on reference image.
Other bonuses
These are additional EXP points that can be earned in general.
+ 3 Personal Work
- If the piece was created for you, by you, and not a commission or commissioned piece.
+ 3 Gift Art
- A piece was created for someone else, by you, and not a commission or payment piece.
- Cannot be gotten for pieces that are payment for something (ex. a character for 3 art pieces)
+ 2 Collaboration
- Applies once to each of the Kematas present owned by the collaborators.
+ 2 Familiar
- Must be currently equipped to your Kemata.
- If it's been a claim pending for over a week and familiars have changed in inv, it still counts for a Familiar bonus.
- Bonus is limited to max familiars that can be used on a roll (7).
- For literature, each familiar must be mentioned at least three times (barring pronouns).
- We suggest including their name and number of times mentioned at the top or bottom of the page.
- We suggest their name and descriptions are listed (ex. the small dog, the tabby cat).
+ 2 Additional Kematas
- Any Kemata not owned by you (barring NPCs).
- Bonus is limited to two additional Kematas per piece.
- Unless you have additional items that allow for 4-5 kems in a roll.
- For literature, each additional Kemata must be mentioned at least eight times (barring pronouns).
- We suggest including their name and number of times mentioned at the top or bottom of the page.
- We suggest their name and descriptions are listed (ex. the blue kem, the spotted kem)
+ 5 NPC Interaction
- Any NPC (eg, Clifton, Asami, Link, etc.).
- Bonus is limited to one NPC per piece.
- For literature, each NPC must be mentioned at least three times (barring pronouns)/
- We suggest listing the number of times mentioned at the top or bottom of the page.
- We suggest their name and descriptions are listed (ex. the bug catcher, the shell enthusiast).
+ 4 Affiliated Species
- See the 'Affiliates' page (TBA) for approved species.
- Bonus is limited to two affiliate species per piece.
- Bonus can be used for an alternate species of your character au of the species as long as the Affiliate permits it.
- Be sure to check if you can design your kemata as the affiliate species with the group.
- For literature, each affiliate species must be mentioned at least three times (barring pronouns).
- We suggest listing the number of times mentioned at the top or bottom of the page.
- We suggest their name and descriptions are listed (ex. the strange beast, the humanoid).
+ 3 Canon Location
- Any official location set in the world of Val-Shenn.
- At this time that is any depitction of Red Wind Hills, Calico Woods, Green Coast Bay, and Ereshka.
- Indoor places count as long as they are meant to be in these areas.
- Must be depicted appropriately (is named and follows the canon terrain, climate, scenery, POIs, etc.).