Dark clouds roll in overhead as you quicken your pace. You have tried your hand at Shock magic and burnt out a bit of your fur but you’re determined to be like the skate master Blitz. His confidence exudes as he zips down one half pipe onto the next, faster than sound itself. You make it to the Lightning park, you swallow hard as the ramps and pipes seem to mock you, knowing your impending failure. You place your paws at the edge of a small halfpipe and focus your magic, a burning sensation fills your chest as lightning forms beneath your paws. You focus with all of your energy and angle yourself down the pipe. The rush of the wind brushing past your fur causes your body to tense up as the electricity slips from your grasp, sparking about the rubber lined pipe causing you to slip and fall face forward. You raise to your paws, a smell of smoke from the singed fur on your tail wafted to your nose. A heavy sigh escapes you as you exit the ramp. “Hey kid, you had a good head start.” Your eyes blink twice as you stare at the figure in front of you, Blitz! “Dont look so shocked kid!” He chuckled at his own joke, “You got potential, but lightning skating is a bit more of an advanced skill! Wanna learn how to tame the wild horse that is electricity? Come with me kiddo, you got a lot to learn!”

Shock Master
Name: Blitz
Nickname: Grease, Greasy boy, big brother.
Gender: Male
Height: 112 cm
A Kem full of spunk who loves a good laugh with an innocent prank. He likes to "shock" people for fun, but tries to be a good role model for kems of all ages, hence why he's known to be like a "big brother" figure to most. Despite his trouble maker demeanor, he's actually rather supportive when it comes to positive growth. He prefers to team up with water magic users to make their attacks more effective and powerful. Sometimes zaps small bodies of water for easy fishing. No it's not cheating. So confident with his electric magic that he uses it to skate around his unique skate park. Has a “skater boy” accent, talks a bit low and drags a bit on words.
Blitz challenges you to prove yourself in mastering the art of Shock Magic! In order to prove your worth you must select 3 out of the 10 prompts listed below:Prompt 1:
Playing in lightning is something any kem should never do. Unless you’re Blitz, the Shock Master of Val Shenn, who actively goes out of his way to play in a lightning storm whenever the chance rises. You can’t help but to smile at him while he prances, catching bolts of lightning with his tail. Inbetween flashes of light you see a kit trying to play with Bltz and before he could react in time, the kit was struck by lightning. And when you both took the kit to the hospital, the staff automatically blames Blitz for endangering the kit. Blitz looked hurt and taken back. Help prove his innocence.
Prompt 2:
Blitz smiles wide at you while he spreads his arms out high. Color drains from your face immediately as you see a maelstrom of lightning right behind Blitz. “As you learn to control the elements, your body becomes more intuned and resistant to those elements.” A bolt struck Blitz in a flash, but he wasn’t bothered by it at all. In fact, it was almost as if he was summoning the lightning right to the palm of his paw. “Do what I do! It’s like you want to hold the lightning's hand! It’ll be good training!”
Prompt 3:
Blitz has been dragging you around all day to what seemed to be random stores and restaurants until he revealed his true motive for the day, “Ok, I’m looking to prank Candle…” He then points to a kem across the road leafing through a rack of scarves. You lost some faith in Blitz. “Ok, so Candle doesn’t like pranks, because when she’s surprised, her explosion magic kind of slips out. Wouldn’t it be super cool to see her blow something up?” His eyes shone with anticipation, “Alright! She’s on the move! So lets make ours….” Help Blitz prank Candle.
Prompt 4:
“Ok, my studious student, we’ve been fishing for some hours now, but it’s time to really get fishing…” Blitz has made it to the finals of the fishing tournament where only a few other kems also made it to. Blitz smirks and dunks his paws into the water and sends a surge of lightning throughout the lake. Bodies of fish rose to the top by the handful, effectively gaining numbers to his score. Everyone didn’t like that, but Blitz didn’t care since he still won. Or so he thought when the fish suddenly came up missing right before their eyes. Something else enjoyed the easy food floating on top of the lake. A giant beastly fish flew out of the water, attacking one of the participant's boats. Blitz leaped off his boat and onto a closer one, “Let’s fry this catfish!” Save the tournament from the giant monster.
Prompt 5:
Today’s training takes place over a lake with high poles scattered across it. Blitz was at the other end of the high poles with Kisa. He waves and smiles, Kisa barely cracks a grin and nods. “Ok, my student…” Blitz started, “...You’ll just have to make it over here! Oh, but look out for the lightning laced bubbles we scattered around the lake.” The bubbles rose up from the lake, spreading spontaneously across the high poles.“Dodge the bubbles, unless you want to get shocked. It’ll increase your agility and your...brain power?” Leap across the high poles without touching the bubbles.
Prompt 6:
A bolt of lightning has touched down and taken out a major hospital’s electricity in light city. Blitz was on a cruise across the sea but he phoned you and recommended you to help them in their desperate time of need! Quickly get to the hospital and use your lightning power to bring the hospital back to working order!
Prompt 7:
Akari’s eyes were filled with tears as he pleaded with desperation for your help, “There is this crop field out by calico woods that won’t let any plants grow! No matter what I do, how often I water or till the soil, it won't grow anything! Please help me! I read online that lightning can help respark the earth and make it to where its fertile land once more, please please please!” His eyes brimmed with tears. You stared at him dumbfounded but felt bad for him, try to help him I guess?
Prompt 8:
So, you decided your magic, but can your kemata handle its new found ability? Depict your kemata studying hard or practicing their magic.
Prompt 9:
Wild like a stallion, shock magic is uncontrollable and unpredictable. The ability to harness and master it is not one to sneer at, you will fail and fail again but eventually you will get the hang of it! Depict your kemata controlling the flow of the electric stallion.
Prompt 10:
Lightning is considered to cause a spark of inspiration, it created the lightbulb, it created the invention of contained electricity and continues to power the world in technology today. How can your kemata use their newfound magic to help further the world?
How to Participate
You must select 3 prompts that best fit your kemata and depcit them either via writing or drawing completing the prompts.
3 kematas can participate in the SAME CLASS PROMPTS at one time, you may NOT mix and match different class submissions.
eg: A kemata mastering Theif may not be submitted with a kemata learning Guardian!
Click "Toggle Spoiler" below to see the prompt details on what to fill out:
You must submit 3 of the prompts of your choice in this submission to qualify for the class II level.
Only three Kematas may participate per submission!
This is unless they have a skill that allows for an additional kemata.
The three kematas can participate in the same class prompt, but you cannot mix and match different classes.
If a kemata is participating (e. background kemata) but not being leveled, they can still earn EXP but will not receive the class II leveling.
If you use someone else's kemata please make sure you have permission; they will have to submit the art for EXP on their own, separate from your submission.
Please include in the "Comments" section:
Prompts Link:
Do not select a reward on the submission page.
There is no reward to submitting a class leveling prompt beyond the skill you gain from level II.
Please include in the "Comments" section:
Calculate the EXP earned by using this chart.
After attaching your Kemata, there will be a section called "Character Rewards."
Input the total EXP earned in the "Amount" section.
Image Here
Your "New Submission" page should look something like this