Fool's Gold

Created: 18 October 2024, 18:58:26 CDT
Last updated: 1 January 2025, 14:57:58 CST
White lights illuminate the busy walkways...
The streets bustled with kematas. All around there were vendors trying to pull you in. Downtown Light City always had all kinds of small shops and businesses eager to make a quick buck.

“Come try these freshly picked apples!” A voice called.

Another kem yelled out louder “Fresh fish! Fresh fish!!!”

Your ears couldn’t settle on a specific place to listen. You checked the map once more, as you were determined to find the master. You noticed a crowd of Kems, some cheering with excitement and some just looking on in curiosity. A maroon kem with golden stripes grinned, a table with three coconut halves on the table. “Go ahead kiddo, pick the right one and I’ll give ya all the Opals I got.” You look behind the maroon kem and notice bags upon bags of opals. You watch closely as the kem at the front of the table picks a coconut half, the maroon boy picks up the half and nothing is seen below it.

“Awwww,” the crowd says with disappointment as they start to dissipate.

You study the kem up and down and grin. “I saw that, you’re really good with your psychic magic if I do say so myself!” Your chest puffs out with pride when suddenly the table topples over, the purple kem holding a switchblade to your throat.

“I ain’t too much into snitches, kit. If you wanna die just tell me now.” The kem hisses, pressing your face into the rocky ground.

You snarl, the kem isn't that big, you could take him. You concentrate what little psychic magic you know and rip the blade away from the maroon kem. He leaps off of you, flicking his tail to and fro, “Ah, so you wanna train with me eh? I have half a nerve to kill ya, kit.” He takes one step closer to you, his claws unsheathing with a low snarl.

You step back, holding your ground. “If it takes scrappin’ with you to master my magic, then so be it!”

The maroon kem chuckles, a grin painting his face. “Fine, fine, let's see if you can keep up. I ain’t your average teacher. Hell, I never even asked for this job. They didn't believe me when I told them that Raspien wouldn’t make a good teacher.” The two of you make your way back to his stall. Setting it up again to get some more easy Opals for Raspien.



Psychic Master

Name: Raspien
Nicknames: Slick, Sly, Pretty Boy
Gender: Male
Height: 100 cm

A bit of a con artist, he is very charming and can convince other kematas to trust every word he says. Master in thievery. He loves to perform for rich and high ranking kematas simply because they "tip the best". 

Charming, sly, observant, pickpockets well.


Raspien challenges you to prove yourself in mastering the art of Psychic Magic! In order to prove your worth you must select 3 out of the 10 prompts listed below:

Prompt 1: 
You wait in an empty room with a single light hanging over yourself. You hear the door close behind you with the lights going out and devious chuckling right after. A small pebble hits the side of your head then again on the opposite side. Something rustles around in the room. Another pebble hits you. Silence. Then another pebble. The lights come on again, "OH C'MON. At least TRY to dodge the pebbles!" Raspien complained. "Use your psychic magic to sense the rocks, jeeze." The lights went out again then another pebble to the head.

Prompt 2:
Raspien was performing some sort of street trick with cups and successfully at that when you see that he won a fat bag of Opals. He looks over to you and winks. Now it's your turn. Use your psychic magic to perform some street magic to get some Opals.

Prompt 3: 

"Okay, okay. For today's,, we're gonna bend some big stuff, alright?" Raspien levitated an array of large stuff like beams of wood, metal pipes and a piece of broken metal sidewalk railing. Raspien sprawled out on his side and levitated a drink into his paw and took a sip. "Go on, get ya training."

Prompt 4:
“Ok, my little flunky. We’re gonna practice by doing some pretty intense workouts with the mind, or whatever.” Raspien rummages through his duffle bag of “Trickery Tools” and pulls out a pair of juggling clubs, then a knife and then a bowling ball. He carefully started to juggle the clubs by paw, then added the knife and bowling ball with his psychic magic. He wasn’t bothered at all with juggling such dangerous things, that he even walked away and came back with a glass of cold tea. His paw snapped at one of the clubs and tossed it at you, “Ok, your turn. I”ll keep tossin’ and you keep jugglin.”

Prompt 5:
Baby flibbs escaped from Raspien’s care and are now running amok around Light City. “Aw, jeez… If I can’t return these flibbs in time I won’t get that chunk of Opals for babysitting them. Don’t ask how it happened. Let’s just say it was a grand street performance gone wrong and you need to get them for me. So find them for me. Maybe even using your psychic magic to find them would help too. It helped me to find the remote one time.”

Prompt 6:
Psychic abilities are as much skill as it is intuition. Use your observation skills to convince another kem you know all about them.

Prompt 7:
A kit has run away and their parents are doing everything they can to find them. Perhaps, with some clues, you’ll be able to use your psychic magic to hone in where the kit has gone to.

Prompt 8:
So, you decided your magic, but can your kemata handle its new found ability? Depict your kemata studying hard or practicing their magic.

Prompt 9:
Oh no! Levi has stolen your most treasured item for some reason. “An eye for an eye.” he says, “Get me the hottest memorabilia from KEM 127’s latest album and you’ll see your precious….whatchamacallit.” Try and use your psychic magic to get some merch to save your stolen goods!

Prompt 10:
For another lesson on concentration, Raspien has you juggling random objects he found around his house; an urn, a picture frame, a flibb statue, a spatula and the list goes on. He continues to throw in random objects while he sips his cold glass of tea, “Don't drop anything. Seriously, like that urn. And maybe the picture frame. And ESPECIALLY that spatula, it's a limited edition.”

How to Participate

You must select 3 prompts that best fit your kemata and depcit them either via writing or drawing the prompts.

3 kematas can participate in the SAME CLASS PROMPTS at one time, you may NOT mix and match different class submissions. 
eg: A kemata mastering Gale may not be submitted with a kemata learning Pyrus!

Click "Toggle Spoiler" below to see the prompt details on what to fill out:

Toggle Spoiler

You must submit 3 of the prompts of your choice in this submission to qualify for the class II level.
Only three Kematas may participate per submission!
This is unless they have a skill that allows for an additional kemata.
The three kematas can participate in the same class prompt, but you cannot mix and match different classes.

If a kemata is participating (e. background kemata) but not being leveled, they can still earn EXP but will not receive the class II leveling.
If you use someone else's kemata please make sure you have permission; they will have to submit the art for EXP on their own, separate from your submission.


Please include in the "Comments" section:

Magic Leveling:
Prompts Link:


Do not select a reward on the submission page.
There is no reward to submitting a class leveling prompt beyond the skill you gain from level II.


Please include in the "Comments" section:
Calculate the EXP earned by using this chart.
After attaching your Kemata, there will be a section called "Character Rewards."
Input the total EXP earned in the "Amount" section.


Your "New Submission" page should look something like this

Submit Prompt