The cool night softens the gravesite just ahead...
“Now love, fret not. Your husband, Jeriah, has promised to keep in touch with us. He wants me to tell you that he’s always watching over you and your kits as they grow their own families. If you ever want to reach out to him don't hesitate to come back here, free of charge.” He bows his head politely to the fragile Kemata as a warm smile paints across her face.
“Thank you Whisper.” Her voice shakes from the emotions washing over her. “I’ve been so lonely but knowing I can come to you fills my heart with joy.” Whisper holds a warm smile. You look above him as a ghostly figure holding a simplified shape hovers above him.
‘That must be Jeriah,’ you murmur to yourself as you watch Whisper escort the Kemata out. Once she leaves he turns his attention to you.
“Jeriah told me what your thoughts are, I rarely charge Kematas to speak to their loved ones." He explains, "only if they are rude or demanding.” He turns to you and holds a soft expression. “I’m the Groundskeeper of this site, I keep the spirits' company. Jeriah told me you noticed him, I take it that's why you’re here.” You stammer as he forces you further into the building.
A soft pink and purple hand woven carpet could be felt underpaw. With a glance, he encouraged you to take a seat. “Now, if you’re here to make spirits fight, and only fight, then this isn't the place for you. Spirits are still Kematas, they still have feelings and attachments to this world just like you and I. A spirit doesn't fight for you. Instead, they fight alongside you. But, in order to work alongside one another, you will need to fine tune your attitude and thoughts towards spirits. And I can give you all the knowledge needed. So, when do you want to start?”
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Phantom Master
Name: Whisper
Nicknames: Whisp
Gender: Male
Height: 98cm
Aloof, whimsical and light hearted. He highly enjoys conversing with those who passed away because to him they are brimmed with knowledge and stories. He really enjoys pranking his friends with the spirits he summons. Because of his attraction to ghosts, he befriended some of the most powerful kematas in history.
Whisper challenges you to prove yourself in mastering the art of Phantom Magic! In order to prove your worth you must select 3 out of the 10 prompts listed below:Prompt 1:
Whisper came to you for help. In a town far from most civilization was rumored to be cursed for 100 years if the seals of the talismans wore off. So, he needs help conjuring spirits to help reseal the talismans since only powerful spirits are able to do so. Help conjure a few friendly spirits to reseal all 10 talismans scattered around the village.
Prompt 2:
Communicating with spirits can be pretty difficult for a novice, especially when they're conveying something rather important. Whisper is there with you to help translate what a spirit is wanting you both to do and that's to write a poem for their currently living wife. It takes Whisper a moment to process what she was trying to say, but nods at you whenever he is ready to tell you what the spirit says. Get ready to write!
Prompt 3:
Not everyone has a chance to say goodbye one last time to their loved ones, especially when one’s life is cut so abruptly. Whisper has come to you with an elderly kem who just recently lost her husband and to their request, she would like to spend one last day with their late husband. The senior looks at you with their ancient eyes and places their paw over their heart, “His name is Breydle, he was a father and a wonderful teacher to the kits in our village. He worked on houses and never turned a blind eye to a kem in need. Please. Just one more day.” Whisper looks away with grief filled eyes. Could you complete her request?
Prompt 4:
Whisper summoned you to meet him at a church nearby. When you entered, you saw him bouncing a ball against...nothing? He catches the ball and glances at you, “Hey, there.” He returns his gaze to the ‘nothing’ he was bouncing the ball to. “I’m playing ball with Abby. Her favorite game playing ball.” His smile weakened, “Sometimes, kems can’t realize that they passed. And it takes a gentle paw to help guide them where they need to go.” He passed the ball again and caught it again. He frowns, “Abby doesn’t know yet. That she’s passed.” Whisper had a pained look to him when he looked up to you, but he tried smiling. “I’ll need a lot of help to let her know. Being as gentle as possible helps them pass.”
Prompt 5:
"And right when she looked under her bed, he wasn't there!" Everyone around the campfire awed in disbelief at Kon's ghost story, chuckling triumphantly as everyone clapped. Whisper leaned over to you and quietly said, "Hey, you wanna tell a REAL ghost story?" One of Whisper's spirit friends manifested next to you and they fist bumped. "You set up the atmosphere and we'll swoop in for the scare." Whisper had a conniving sneer, something you'd never seen before, but you're rolling with it! Tell the greatest ghost story ever!
Prompt 6:
Reports on a haunted house have been on the rise ever since a group teen kems were attacked by a supposed spirit of that house. No one else is daring enough to investigate, but luckily you can communicate with spirits and get to the bottom of this.
Prompt 7:
On your way back home from a distant quest you completed, you choose an unbeaten path through a forest so you can hurry home. But, hours have passed, the sky became dark and the only light you see was from the moon. The noise of crickets, branches, leaves stirring and whispers fill your ears the longer you stay lost, but perhaps, just maybe, you can call upon some friendly spirits to help guide you out of the forest.
Prompt 8:
So, you decided your magic, but can your kemata handle its new found ability? Depict your kemata studying hard or practicing their magic.
Prompt 9:
It was about that time when kits were released from school and the streets of Light City were bustling with parents getting their kits homes. At a distance, you see a scrawny kit being surrounded and bullied by a group of bigger kits. Maybe those bullies should be taught a lesson? Scare them a little with a taste of their own medicine.
Prompt 10:
You notice Raspien performing some fortune teller parlor tricks and he’s really pulling in a big crowd, too. Those unfortunate naive kems. Break up his con game by having a real spirit con Raspien.
How to Participate
You must select 3 prompts that best fit your kemata and depcit them either via writing or drawing completing the prompts.
3 kematas can participate in the SAME CLASS PROMPTS at one time, you may NOT mix and match different class submissions.
eg: A kemata mastering Theif may not be submitted with a kemata learning Guardian!
Click "Toggle Spoiler" below to see the prompt details on what to fill out:
You must submit 3 of the prompts of your choice in this submission to qualify for the class II level.
Only three Kematas may participate per submission!
This is unless they have a skill that allows for an additional kemata.
The three kematas can participate in the same class prompt, but you cannot mix and match different classes.
If a kemata is participating (e. background kemata) but not being leveled, they can still earn EXP but will not receive the class II leveling.
If you use someone else's kemata please make sure you have permission; they will have to submit the art for EXP on their own, separate from your submission.
Please include in the "Comments" section:
Prompts Link:
Do not select a reward on the submission page.
There is no reward to submitting a class leveling prompt beyond the skill you gain from level II.
Please include in the "Comments" section:
Calculate the EXP earned by using this chart.
After attaching your Kemata, there will be a section called "Character Rewards."
Input the total EXP earned in the "Amount" section.
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Your "New Submission" page should look something like this