A loud scoff sounds at the sight of your presence...
A white, black, and hot pink kemata holds your gaze firmly. She laughs, judging you by your size, be you taller or smaller than her. "Tch, is this the best they could send me?" She trots in your direction, her paws light but firm as white fur bobbed over her back, swaying to and fro. "I thought they'd send someone tougher looking than you. You think being a healer is easy kid? You dont think we get down and dirty with the rest of the crew. Hmm hm hm??? Well, you were wrong!" She swats her tail across your muzzle as she pads by, heading towards a slew of injured kematas, just returned from battle. "Get your ass in gear newbie, I hope you can keep up."

MMP Petra Master Medical Practitioner
Healer Master
Name: Petra
Nicknames: Pet, Pest, Pain in the Ass
Gender: Female
Height: 96 cm
Petra challenges you to prove yourself to be a healer, as you claim to be! In order to prove your worth you must select 3 out of the 10 prompts listed below:Prompt 1:
Somehow, you were drawn to this class in particular. It felt like it was a reflection of your inner core and you were convinced it will be your life’s work to pursue this class. How did you happen to join this class?
Prompt 2:
Petra challenges you of your worth as a student by forcing you to apply and participate in the Healer’s Rally Race. You have to perform, and execute with excellence, all forms of the Healer’s Standards of Practices; making sure the patient is at 100% health and has enough vigor to lift 3 kematas(not literally, just make sure they have enough energy to leave the premises, safe and sound.), then you’ll have to do 20 push ups and finally run to the convenient store to buy 300 Opals worth of snacks. For Petra.
Prompt 3:
A class peer appears to be having trouble with honing their abilities. You decided to help your fellow peer and motivate them. How do you help them?
Prompt 4:
Petra’s pretty busy with a patient trying to heal a broken paw. The patient is actually quite uncomfortable with Petra’s attitude, but Petra is actually in fact the best healer in the faction so the patient has to sit by and listen to Petra rant about how she was stood up last night, despite everything. Petra groans and protests that the patient needs to sit still unless they don't want to get healed, which makes the patient even more uncomfortable and stiff. How can you make the situation a little more bearable for the patient?
Prompt 5:
Your friends are a bit confused at what you do for your faction. They haven't settled on what to pick for their class, so they're looking to you for advice; show off your skills in the class you picked to help them decide!
Prompt 6:
Healers have the most important job in Lux Concord, heal and rejuvenate, but there are some who take advantage of this class and their ability to heal. As a Healer, how do you face the hardships of being one of the most essential kematas in your faction?
Prompt 7:
An elementary school is having an event where a large gathering of kits come to play a very vigorous sport. A few of the kits have seemed to hurt themselves while playing and need your attention! They are a bit restless and eager to go back and play, but healing takes patience so how can you handle a few impatient kits?
Prompt 8:
You hear cackling from across the hall. It's Petra with a group of interns who are trying to learn under her tutelage, with most of their faces cringing over the stories of her love life. All of a sudden her laughter piped down to a sharp squeak when another kemata, a doctor, brushed up against her by accident and her face went completely red with embarrassment. As all of the students can tell, that was her crush. The same doctor turned around and apologised with just being a few inches from her face. Petra couldn’t help but mumble nonsense to herself before passing out. Help your Class leader gather her senses!
Prompt 9:
To complete a quest you needed Petra’s signature on a document, but she refused with harsh criticism. You then mention that the quest giver specifically requested the best healers needed to sign this document, which lit up Petra’s face immediately with a crooked and hesitant smile. She was slightly flustered, but that didn’t stop her from snatching the document from you and reading it before giving her final consent, “Tch, fine, I’ll sign your dumb paper, but on one condition!” She shoved the document back at your face and turned away from you, “You’ll have to help me tonight at the hospice ok? I-It’ll be hard work so be prepared for a sweat!” Help Petra with the hospice tonight!
Prompt 10:
All day long Petra’s been giving you a death glare. You don’t know why since you’ve been doing all of your best at the hospice ever since this morning, so you decide to ignore her glances. “HEY. Newbie.” Petra’s voice could be heard across the hospice. Everyone’s gaze snapped to the two of you and silence fell among the staff. “C’mere.” Petra demanded with a red face, “...hurry since everyone is watching…” You immediately stood before your Class leader, a little nervous since she is your leader and chain of command, “I’ve heard you’ve been doing good work around here.” She smirked and leaned back in her chair, “Of course you’ll never be like me, but you’re getting there, Newbie.” Her smirk went to a grin and her eyes were filled with determination, but her grin became weak when she said, “I-I need you to sit by me from now on, so you can learn from the best, ok? It’s not like I think you're good or anything…”. Take this opportunity to bond with your Class Leader and show how much you’ve grown as a Healer.
How to Participate
You must select 3 prompts that best fit your kemata and depcit them either via writing or drawing completing the prompts.
3 kematas can participate in the SAME CLASS PROMPTS at one time, you may NOT mix and match different class submissions.
eg: A kemata mastering Theif may not be submitted with a kemata learning Guardian!
Click "Toggle Spoiler" below to see the prompt details on what to fill out:
You must submit 3 of the prompts of your choice in this submission to qualify for the class II level.
Only three Kematas may participate per submission!
This is unless they have a skill that allows for an additional kemata.
The three kematas can participate in the same class prompt, but you cannot mix and match different classes.
If a kemata is participating (e. background kemata) but not being leveled, they can still earn EXP but will not receive the class II leveling.
If you use someone else's kemata please make sure you have permission; they will have to submit the art for EXP on their own, separate from your submission.
Please include in the "Comments" section:
Class Leveling:
Prompts Link:
Do not select a reward on the submission page.
There is no reward to submitting a class leveling prompt beyond the skill you gain from level II.
Please include in the "Comments" section:
Calculate the EXP earned by using this chart.
After attaching your Kemata, there will be a section called "Character Rewards."
Input the total EXP earned in the "Amount" section.
Your "New Submission" page should look something like this.