I'm always on the look out for fresh fish to use in my meals. I would love if you could bring me some.
Kematas can fish two different ways, but the best way is with a hook and line. This way is more commonly used by formal or regal kematas as they dont care to get wet or dirty. When we were still evolving, our kind would travel to the world of Humans and observe how they lived. We watched as they used rods and lines to catch fish and imitated their methods with sticks and spider webs. Nowadays we use plastic and metal rods to catch the most delicious fish imaginable.
The second way is the 'traditional' route. This is where a kemata will dive head first into the water and catch the fish that they want with what was given to them at birth. This way is more for the adventurous type. While kematas who dont mind getting a little dirty will wade in the shallow waters and try to grab fish that get too close to shore.
Below are fish I accept:
A blacked-out image means the species has yet to be discovered.
If you're the first to catch one, you'll forever be remembered as the "founder" of the fish!
If you're looking to get a specific item, you'll have to go to the location where it can be found!
There are plenty of fresh fish nearby to help keep my shop afloat! Any fish you don't want or need you can sell to me!
Remember to take a load off and relax. Fishing is all about enjoying the calm world around you.
Rewards for uncovering new fish:
Common- x100 opals
Uncommon- x150 opals
Rare- x200 opals
Sometime's Crime Pays For Itself...
Every activity and shop owner has their own special inventory that only those in Thief Class can snag! Some Familiars also specialize in stealing or bringing back NPC items, so be on the look out for them!
Click "Toggle Spoiler" below to see Nevi's Inventory:
Click "Toggle Spoiler" below to see the prompt details:
Simply draw or write your kemata fishing in a body of water.
You can draw your kemata fishing with a hook and line or trying to
catch fish the traditional way, With their paws and teeth!
Only three Kematas may participate per submission!
Unless you have an item or skill that allows for a 4th.
The requirements for an activity must meet at least:
A Fullbody (at least 75% of the participating kem visible)
Flat Colors, can be limited palette but depicts kemata accurately
Simple Background, while still relating to the activity.
Clean Sketch are permitted, as long as it's cleaned.
Please include in the "Comments" section:
Area [your choice of location based on our World Map]
Item(s) [if applicable; must already be in your inventory]
Skill(s) [if applicable; must be relevant to activity]
Do not select a reward on the submission page.
Your reward will be rolled and granted upon approval.
Please include in the "Comments" section:
Calculate the EXP earned by using this chart.
After attaching your Kemata, there will be a section called "Character Rewards."
Input the total EXP earned in the "Amount" section.
Your "New Submission" page should look something like this.