NPC (NPC)KemataBlessed ・ You're in Danger

KEM-039: Tomoe

Owned by King-Monhwa
  • Name: Tomoe
  • Nicknames: Criminal Damage, Hell Raiser
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 115 cm
    • He holds a kings aura, many admire him and welcome his company. His bird, Pashmina, is the love of his life and thinks she is the most beautiful thing in the world. He has a long standing feud with his younger brother, Tozoku, and the two are constantly at each others throats. His favorite game to play is "How fast can I steal your girl from you," which is the reason Tozu and him are constantly at war. He isn't a lover, just loves to have a good time and its unlikely that he will ever settle down.
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  • Open for link requests