Ghost Eyes (Seasonal)
No Pupil in the eye and the color of the eye must be a lighter desaturated or pastel color.
Candy Crazed Eyes (Seasonal)
Solid colored eyes with no pupil, but a swirl that goes through the whole eye.
Often vibrant in color, but not required.
Whispy Eyes (Seasonal)
Eyes with a ghostly colored trail coming off the eye. Can be paired with other eye types (ex. ghost)
Shadow Vision (Seasonal)
Eyes that are all black with no pupil, similar to ghost eyes.
Skeletal Body (Seasonal)
No less than 50% of the original body to be present. No Gore please.
Can be paired with Jelly Meat trait but not required.
Frankenstein Pattern (Seasonal)
patchwork trait without any stuffing being present.
Cracked (Seasonal)
Body has cracked on the surface with a ghostly steam seeping out. This steam can be colored the same as your Kemata's Magic
Bat Nose (Seasonal)
Still must be in the shape of a heart like all kematas, but the nostrils can flare out similar to a bat.
Ghost Wings (Seasonal)
These wings are see through, you can add little whisps to them to give effects.
Similar to the Ghost Fur trait in that parts can be solid but fade into a transparent texture.
Franken Chimera (Seasonal)
Can be a mix of any traits regardless of build binds, and looks patched together like Frankenstein.
Exclusively a staff made trait and cannot be used in MYOs