
V Formation (Blessed)

Category: Horn Formation

five horns in a "V" formation, starting inbetween the ears and meeting at the center of the forehead.

Crown Formation (Blessed)

Category: Horn Formation

five to six horns that wrap around atop of the upper forehead, and between the ears at the back of the head.

Lion's Mane (Blessed)

Category: Physical Traits
Species: Kemata (Behemoth subtype)

Shaped Pupils (Blessed)

Category: Physical Traits

Pupils of any shape other than the normal circular shape.

MI- Curse (Blessed)

Category: Magic I

Inflict a target with a random negative status effect. The effects are doubled. 

-Turn effects are doubled and damage is doubled.

MI- Haste (Blessed)

Category: Magic I

The party can take an additional turn one time at any point during any hunt. 

MI- Telepathy (Blessed)

Category: Magic I

Brainwashes an enemy to attack itself or its allies. 

MI-Foresight (Blessed)

Category: Magic I

Once per turn, avoid an attack from one target.

Can reroll once on any activity. 

35 results found.