CS- Demon Summoner I (Common)
Demon Summoner
Demon Summoners have the ability to conjure up evil demons to do their dark bidding. Kematas that fully master this class are able to obtain two permanent accomplices.
You can select your first familiar from the list here:
You can create your own familiar with the exception that your custom familiar will come with the following benefit: +2 EXP when equipped.
Once you have chosen or created your familiar, PLEASE comment on the bank with your Kemata. Proof of class MUST show on your tracker and be applied to your profile. If it is not done, please update here:
The familiar you select will be permanently bound to this kemata, unless they leave the tamer classes entirely, for example, if you transfer your kemata from Spirit Charmer to Demon Beast tamer, they may keep their familiar.
Base Stats
- HP: 12
- MG: 8
- ATK: 6
- DEF: 7
- RES: 10
- SPD: 3
Demon Summoner I: Darkness Beckons
a 20% chance to roll for any demon familiar in any activity
CS- Demon Summoner II (Common)
Demon Summoner II: First Accomplice
summon a demon who will become your first permanent accomplice; they can be blessed with one magical spell
CS- Demon Summoner III (Common)
Demon Summoner III: Evil's Bidding
summon a demon who will become your second permanent accomplice; they can be blessed with one magical spell