MI- Charm II (Rare)
Charm II: 15% discount at vendors, 10% chance to roll a companion on any activity
MI- Charm III (Rare)
Charm III: 75% chance to enchant a foe, 20% discount at vendors, 20% chance to roll a companion on any activity
MI- Wealth II (Rare)
Wealth II: rewards increased by 25%, guaranteed 1 item for any activity
MI- Wealth III (Rare)
Wealth III: rewards increased by 50%, 20% chance to roll a rare item for any activity
MI-Foresight (Blessed)
Once per turn, avoid an attack from one target.
Can reroll once on any activity.
MI- Necromancy (Sacred)
Reanimate a deceased creature or monster with half of the Kematas stats(rounding up) once per hunt. The controller of the creature will determine the order of which the creature will act amongst the party.
MI- Summon (Sacred)
Summons a deity from the past to attack for 1 turn.
Kallen - They rain down a fiery hailstorm. Deals 70 MG Pyrus damage if the user is below lvl 20 or has less than 70 MG. Otherwise, deal Pyrus MG damage equal to user's MG stat.
Silvertide - A large tide rips and tears throught the enemy. Deals 70 MG Water damage if the user is below lvl 20 or has less than 70 MG. Otherwise, deal water MG damage equal to the user's MG stat.
Adonus - Crushes your enemies in tomb made of obsidian. Deals 70 MG Terra damage if the user is below lvl 20 or has less than 70 MG. Otherwise, deal Terra MG damage equal to the user's MG stat.
MI- Longevity (Sacred)
For 2 turns, restore and double the HP of all party members. At the end of the hunt, revive any fallen members to half HP and remove any status effects from the party.
MI-Gale III (Common)
"Call for a summer breeze or summon a disastrous tornado."
Gale III: Attacks with +25% MG boost and +10 speed to your party for 1 turn.
Moonlight (Exclusive)
Excluisve magic bound to the kemata Lunar Eclipse
Heals all kematas at the end of battle, when facing against Poison or Shade monsters, reduces all stats of said monster by half. Allows the team to attack twice in the first turn.
Cannot be used by any other kemata