MI- Shock II (Uncommon)
"Electrify your foes with volts of energy."
*Kazan's Smite Required in order to start studying of this magic
Shock II: Attack with +10 speed with a 50% chance to Paralyze an enemy.
MI- Light II (Uncommon)
"Bask your allies in a rejuvinating light."
In order to obtain this magic your kemata must be level 10 and apart of Lux Concord faction
Light II: Selected target is invulnerable from damage for one urn equal to the user’s MG.
MI- Shade II (Uncommon)
"Hide in, control, and manipulate the shadows to your advantage"
Requires one Lost Soul in order to start practicing this magic
Shade II: Attacks with a +20% MG boost that ignores RES.
MI- Iron II (Uncommon)
"Steel yourself with the earth's strongest metals."
Requires *item name* in order to start practicing this magic
Iron II: Conjure large Iron weapons: Attacks with +30% ATK boost.
MI- Psychic II (Uncommon)
"Take control of battles using psychokinesis."
Psychic II: Create force field and light force blasts.+20 RES for 1 turn. Attacks with 20% MG boost that stuns the target for 1 turn.
MI- Shock III (Uncommon)
"Electrify your foes with volts of energy."
*Kazan's Smite Required in order to start studying of this magic
Shock III: Attack with +30 MG boost to a single target and paralyzes up to 2 targets.
MI-Light III (Uncommon)
"Bask your allies in a rejuvinating light."
In order to obtain this magic your kemata must be level 10 and apart of Lux Concord faction
Light III: Removes all debuffs and grants immunity from debuffs and damage for the party for 1 turn.
MI - Shade III (Uncommon)
"Hide in, control, and manipulate the shadows to your advantage"
Requires one Lost Soul in order to start practicing this magic
Shade III: Attacks with +20 speed and MG that ignores RES.
MI- Iron III (Uncommon)
"Steel yourself with the earth's strongest metals."
Requires *item name* in order to start practicing this magic
Iron III: Conjure range projectile weapons: Attacks with +40% ATK boost that ignores DEF.
MI-Psychic III (Uncommon)
"Take control of battles using psychokinesis."
Psychic III: Create Psychic concentrated beam and manipulate gravity. Attacks with +50 MG boost that ignores RES.