Calico Woods


Can be home to characters.

A leafy forest of fall leaves; including locations of note such as Watercolor Woods, Calico Pond, Kibali Shrine, and Maple Town.

Art by Monnie

A consistently fall weathered region within Val-Shenn. This region never sees any season beyond falls, the tree's leaves eternally red and orange,  and mushrooms around every corner. Some kematas wonder if there wasn't some sort of mysterious curse placed here long ago by a powerful sorcerer... But as long as you stay out of it's more dangerous spots, Calico Woods is actually a lovely place to live!

Locations of Note:

Watercolor Woods

Calico Pond

Kibali Shrine

Maple Town

Contains the following

Locations of Note: Maple Town, Watercolor Woods, Kibali Shrine

Associated Faunas