Princess Eyes, Thieving Paws
You can trust those eyes right?
- Custom Skill
- After completing an activity, this kemata will yoink 350 opals and has a 50% chance of finding a rare item.
- Perma Bound to I Want To Dream More
- Resale: 0.00
Custom Skill; Unobtainable
Morning Sun
This kemata enjoys the sun and seems to feel better after a nice sun bath.
- Custom Skill
- Depiction of your kemata sunbathing in the bright morning sun fully regenerates the user's HP.
- +15 increase to MG and RES.
- One use per battle.
- ;Guaranteed one additional plant during Herbalism rolls.
- Perma Bound to Good Morning and cannot be removed.
- Resale: 0.00
Custom Skill; Unobtainable
Petal Dance
A beautiful flurry of flower petals dance around
- Custom Skill
- 50% chance of distracting foes from attacking all party members.
- Lasts for three turns per battle.
- Guaranteed one additional plant during Herbalism rolls.
- 50% chance of distracting foes from attacking all party members.
- Perma Bound to Gentle Breeze and cannot be removed.
- Resale: 0.00
Custom Skill; Unobtainable
Dripping In Gold
This kem seems to attract wealth.
- Custome Skill
- Guarantees 1000 opals on any activity, event prompt or weekly prompt depiction.
- Brings back 1 rare item on any activity roll.
- Perma Bound to On and cannot be removed.
- Resale: 0.00
Custom Skill; Unobtainable
Rosegold Moonlight
There's a halo of rosegold tinted moonlight that seems to follow this kem everywhere they go. It's mostly visible at night.
- Custom Skill
- +5 EXP when depicted at night on activity rolls, event prompts, and weekly prompts.
- 5% increase in all stats for all party members while in monster hunts.
- Perma Bound to Moon and cannot be removed.
- Resale: 0.00
Dragon King
A skill that only one dragon knows.
- Custom Skill
- Reptilian-like creatures will refuse to attack all party members.
- Lasts for one turn per creature, per battle.
- Reptilian-like creatures will refuse to attack all party members.
- Perma Bound to Daechwita and cannot be removed.
- Resale: 0.00
Custom Skill; Unobtainable
Curse of Red Moon
A curse this kemata bears.
- Custom Skills
- 1/5 chance of transforming in Monster Hunting rolls.
- Multiplies all base stats by 5 when transformed.
- Cannot use any equipment or items while transformed
- 10% recoil damage while attacking.
- Will randomly attack allies when transformed.
- Perma Bound to Death To The Moon and cannot be removed.
- Resale: 0.00
Custom Skill; Unobtainable
Jelly Fish Sting
This kem packs a nasty punch
- Custom Skill
- Prevents a monster from attacking for one turn.
- Increases attack by 5% during battle.
- Effective in Monster Hunts, Secret Monster Hunts, Bandit Raids etc.
- Perma Bound to Jellyfish Sandwich and cannot be removed.
- Resale: 0.00
Custom Skill; Unobtainable
Spirit of the Ox
This kemata is rumored to be the Ox from the Zodiac calendar reborn...
- Custom Skill
- Immune to all damage during the first turn of battle.
- Doubles the user's total calculated EXP gains from successful monster hunts.
- Guarantees 1000 Opals from any activity roll.
- Includes Monster Hunts, does not include Secret Monster Hunts.
- Perma Bound to Ox Of Fortune and cannot be removed.
- Resale: 0.00
Custom Skill; Unobtainable
Mommy Brain
- Custom Skill
- 25% chance of losing one reward item in any activity or monster hunt.
- 10% chance of missing one attack each turn when monster hunting.
- Perma Bound to Still Here and cannot be removed.
- Resale: 0.00
Custom Skill; Unobtainable
Reward for Peace
Peace is granted upon victory.
- Custom Skill
- Doubles Opal rewards for themselves and the party for non monster-hunting activities/prompts.
- Applies to all activity rolls, but not Monster Hunting.
- Applies to Bi-Weekly Prompts and Event Prompts.
- Doubles item rewards for themselves.
- Does not double rewards for party.
- Applies to all activity rolls, but not Monster Hunting.
- Applies to Bi-Weekly Prompts and Event Prompts
- Doubles Opal rewards for themselves and the party for non monster-hunting activities/prompts.
- Perma Bound to Blossoming Forest Of Justice and cannot be removed.
- Resale: 0.00
Custom Skill; Unobtainable
Passionate Soul
Flavor Text
- Custom Skill
- Any crafted items made by this kemata will be graded at the highest crafting grade allowed.
- Perma Bound to My Heart's On Fire For Your Love and cannot be removed.
- Resale: 0.00
Custom Skill; Unobtainable
Heart Of Gold
Flavor Text
- Custom Skill
- Gains an additional 20,000 opals on any NPC request board.
- Perma Bound to My Heart's On Fire For Your Love and cannot be removed.
- Resale: 0.00
Custom Skill; Unobtainable
Tea Time is Anytime
Set up a small picnic for everyone during battle.
- Custom Skill
- Activates when this Kemata's HP is below 10% of its overall HP.
- Lasts for 1 turn.
- During this phase, monsters will not attack, and party members cannot attack.
- Fully restores HP and removes any status effects for all party members.
- Activates when this Kemata's HP is below 10% of its overall HP.
- Perma Bound to Neko Tea Cookies and cannot be removed.
- Resale: 0.00
Custom Skill; Unobtainable
Kitty Tracks
Looks like your inky tracks enticed a curious little familiar to follow you home!
- Custom Skill
- 10% chance to roll for any Beast familiar in an activity.
- Perma Bound to Kitty Tracks and cannot be removed.
- Resale: 0.00
Custom Skill; Unobtainable
Kiss from a Rose
flavor text
- Custom Skill
- Prevents all enemies from attacking during the first turn in battle.
- Perma Bound to 3am Nostalgia and cannot be removed.
- Resale: 0.00
Custom Skill; Unobtainable
Eye of Revealing Light
flavor text
- Custom Skill
- Guarntees 1 gold nugget during mining activities.
- Generates 2000 opals on any activity.
- Does not apply to Monster Hunts.
- Perma Bound to Revealing Light and cannot be removed.
- Resale: 0.00
Custom Skill; Unobtainable
Divine Protection
flavor text
- Custom Skill
- Any attacks made by this kemata ignore DEF.
- Any magic moves made by this kemata ignore RES.
- Perma Bound to The Lion King and cannot be removed.
- Resale: 0.00
Custom Skill; Unobtainable
Jump Scare
This Kimoki is mischievous as can be. They cause their Kemata partner to triple all potion outcomes.
- Custom Kimoki Skill
- Triples all potions outcomes.
- Perma Bound to Little Ghost and cannot be removed.
- Resale: 0.00
Custom Skill; Unobtainable
Bountiful Harvest
flavor text
- Custom Skill
- Doubles any food items, mushrooms, berries, or food ingredients used for baking/cooking brought back in any activity.
- Does not apply to Monster Hunts.
- Doubles any food items, mushrooms, berries, or food ingredients used for baking/cooking brought back in any activity.
- Perma Bound to Forest Romp and cannot be removed.
- Resale: 0.00
Custom Skill; Unobtainable