Royal Advisor
Your royal advisor commands you! Haha just kidding, this kem isn’t royalty, but they’ll certainly push you around like they are! With this skill, this kem can often inspire the group with an intense passionate speech! The other half of the time it’s just kind of a mediocre speech. And then there’s the times where they piss everyone off with their commands, causing the group to turn on them!
- Custom Skill
- 40% chance to inspire the group, granting all participating kems to gain 10 items on an activity roll!
- The 10 items are in place of a base number, they find 10 items from the activity.
- Items that add onto the base number of items still work (brings back an additional #[x item] )
- Items that double/quadruple work with this skill.
- Only applies to activity rolls.
- Does not apply to events, prompts, monster hunting, secret monster hunting, etc.
- 50% chance that the speech was mediocre, granting all participating kems a guaranteed 5 base items on an activity roll.
- This is applied to base rewards and not an additional amount of items.
- Items that add onto the base number of items still work (brings back an additional #[x item] )
- Items that double/quadruple work with this skill.
- Only applies to activity rolls.
- Does not apply to events, prompts, monster hunting, secret monster hunting, etc.
- 10% chance that the speech went horribly wrong, and this kem loses two of their own base rewards from their activity roll.
- This is applied to base rewards of the kem Stop Talking, Idiot.
- Does not affect the base rewards of any participating kems besides Stop Talking, Idiot.
- If Stop Talking, Idiot uses an item that guarantees [x] base items, the item is countered by this skil.
- 40% chance to inspire the group, granting all participating kems to gain 10 items on an activity roll!
- Perma Bound to Stop Talking, Idiot and cannot be removed.
- Resale: 0.00
Custom Skill; Unobtainable
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