
<a href=" Duffel Bag" class="display-item">Mysterious Duffel Bag</a>

Mysterious Duffel Bag

Rarity: 7

Artist: melonkazam

A curious... duffel bag with an affinity for eating. Tobi is never seen without it. Apparently it has a 'true form', but who knows what that looks like?

  • Custom Familiar
    • Species: ???
      • +5 EXP when depicted.
      • Brings back 1 extra reward when equipped.
        • Applies to activity rolls, prompts, events etc.
      • Brings back 3 food items on activities or prompts etc. with food available.
      • Cannot be equipped alongside 'Noppo'
  • Permanently equipped to The Backpacker and cannot be removed.
  • Resale: 0.00


Custom Familiar; Unobtainable

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