
<a href=" Paca" class="display-item">Mr. Paca</a>

Mr. Paca

Rarity: 7

Artist: restingden

Alpacacorn with a heart of gold. He's soft and happy as can be. They use their magic to display their current emotion, often time being a heart!

  • Custom Familiar
    • Species: Alpacacorn
      • +5 exp when equipped.
      • Brings back x1 Heart Box of Chocolates and x2,000 additional opals during any activity.
      • In the beginning of a hunt, Mr. Paca sends a magical heart to the first monster encountered, halving their attack by half for the first two turns.
        • Does not apply to secret monster hunts.
  • Perma Bound to Deal in Magic and cannot be removed.
  • Resale: 0.00


Custom Familiar; Unobtainable

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