
<a href=" Blossoms" class="display-item">Miracle Blossoms</a>

Miracle Blossoms

Category: Flowers

Rarity: 1

Artist: hydrana@dA

Resale Value: 75 Opals

Synsepalum dulcificum

Meaning: Given when a loved one is lost, forgiveness, rebirth

A flower of old times, said to have been the first bloom after Kazan's volcanic flames destroyed all of Val-shenn after the legendary war.  The blossoms brought hope to the remaining kematas across the land as they rebuilt from the ground up. Can heal small wounds when ingested.

  • Found in Calico Woods
  • Purpose: Single Use Item, recovers 20 HP during monster hunts.
  • Discovered by Ampmrm's Neshki


Herbalism; Calico Woods

Drops From:

1 result found.