Lucky Cat Backpack Pin
flavor text
- Equipment
- Brings you 2000 opals on activities
- Brings you 2 additional items on activities
- Resale: 500 Opals
Black Cat Hood
flavor text
- Equipment
- Allows you to steal from a shop once a day.
- Steals 3 items from NPC of an activity.
- Resale: 1000 Opals
Lucky Kibby Bell
flavor text
- Equipment
- Allows you to equip an additional feline familiar, will not count against your item total in rolling activities.
- Resale: 1000 Opals
Silken Flower
A lovely flower from Asami’s homeland, the petals have an opalescent iridescence to them.
- Equipment
- Grants 500 Opals
- Grants 2 additional plants on Herbalism rolls only.
- Has a 10% chance to attract a Fae Fox.
- Resale: TBA
Hercules Beetle Collectors Pin
A gold plated enamel pin from Links personal collection, it has silly angry eyebrows and makes you smile every time you see it!!
- Equipment
- Grants 1000 Opals.
- Grants 2 additional bugs on Bug Catching rolls only.
- Resale: TBA
Etherite Dusted Worm
A specialty bait designed just by Nevi! He used it specifically to catch Marlins and never has one get away!
- Equipment
- Grants 500 Opals.
- Grants 2 additional items in Fishing rolls only.
- Has a 5% chance to bring back a Paper Betta.
- Resale: TBA
Gourmet Matcha Tea Blend
A tea blend imported from the other side of Val-shenn and Celes' personal favorite, it reminds her of home.
- Equipment
- Grants 500 Opals.
- Grants 2 additional items in Indoor Exploration rolls only.
- Has a 5% chance of granting a tea or cookie.
- Resale: TBA
Dragons Opal Chunk
An unrefined piece of opal mined by Cadence. She keeps it around because she feels a strong connection to it, the swirls of color make your eyes dance.
- Equipment
- Grants 500 Opals.
- Grants 2 additional items in Mining rolls only.
- Has a 5% chance to quadruple all mining related items in a roll.
- Resale: TBA
Opal Conch
A lovely conch with an opal shine to it. She would collect these in the beach with her beloved often and it brings her heart so much happiness!!
- Equipment
- Grants 500 Opals.
- Grants 2 additional items on Beach Combing rolls only.
- Has a 10% chance to find a random Etherite or Opal based item.
- Resale: TBA
Discount Card
Tex has heard other shops have started using discount cards, he doesn't get the appeal, but gotta keep up with the times.
- Equipment
- After buying 10 items from Tex’s shop, you get a Skill Blind Box free!
- Resale: TBA
Golden Arrow
An arrow made with plated gold and blessed with Icarus' holy light. He claims it will ward off danger if you're in a tight spot.
- Equipment
- Fully repels secret monster hunts and bandit raids in activity rolls.
- Will revive the holder of this item with half health in a monster hunt.
- Resale: TBA
Happy Dragon Free Buffet Pass
Dawn loves eating and especially loves this buffet! Please eat to your heart’s content!!!
- Equipment
- While on Indoor Exploration rolls, you will find an additional 3 food related items (based on region).
- Resale: TBA
???? Recipe
Jang-mis "signature" recipe, you're pretty sure some of these ingredients are used for potions and not for consuming...
- Equipment
- Gives a random status effect with every bite!
- Resale: TBA
Infinite Lighter
Infinite Lighter - a specialty lighter infused with Etherite, "use this to make the biggest firework explosions you can!!!!"
- Equipment
- Has a 50% chance to double all overall rewards in activity rolls, or a 50% chance to cough out a single Coal.
- Resale: TBA
Familiar Sweater
While Tomoe may be tough, he lives his beloved bird, Pashmina. He knows how much other Kems love their "partners in crime" and loves making things for those little guys!
- Equipment
- Allows one equipped familiar to roll their skill again.
- Skill’s effect is NOT doubled, it is the same percentages but rolled twice in the roll.
- Allows one equipped familiar to roll their skill again.
- Resale: TBA
Kimoki Whistle
flavor text
- Equipment
- 5% chance to befriend a wild kimoki.
- When equipped allows 2 kimokis to be equipped.
- Can only apply to a kimoki befriended in the wild, cannot be made from a custom or myo slot.
- Does not stack with any multipliers, can only be rolled once per roll.
- Resale: N/A
- 2021 Patreon Item
Exclusive to 2021 Patreon
Fire Smoke Bomb
A bomb formed by the fusion of etherite and ashes from Summer Sparkler, creating a large paper mache bomb filled with confetti and fire.
- Equipment
- When used at the beginning of a hunt, will instantly take down any monster up to large size.
- No depiction needed in order to use this item, however no exp gained for the kems submitted using this item.
- Players will receive items based on whatever items are equipped at the time of submission, this item is treated as a standard roll.
- Does not apply to Secret Monster Hunts.
- One time use.
Wedding Bells
A pair of pearly white bells wrapped in a gold and glittering ribbon. They say when it rings, your life long partner is near by.
Grants +5 additional EXP and 2 rare rewards
Copies the kematas base rewards earned at the start of activity (max 5 items unless a skill states a higher base amount, only applies when depicted with the kematas partner)
Increases chances of earning a Red Thread Of Fate to 10%
(Partner kems must be sent in via claim so it can be notated on the item)
Resale: $7.00
Light City Fireworks
Intricate fireworks that add a spark to your heart when witnessed, they remind you of simpler times.
Increases Pyrus and Lava magic by 10%.
Resale: $2.00
Ancestor's Petals
Milky white petals with small paw prints pressed into them, they give off a cool feeling when touched but you feel warm at heart.
Increases Psychic and Phantom magic by 10%.
Resale: $2.00