
Haste I

Category: Magic

 party attacks twice, allows single-target teleportation

Foresight I

Category: Magic

90% chance to avoid an attack, predict an activity outcome for one reroll

Iron I

Category: Magic

"Tap into the earth's metals."

Iron I: conjure small weapons, eg, knives and daggers

Iron II

Category: Magic

"Tap into the earth's metals."

Iron II: conjure large weapons, eg, swords and lances

Iron III

Category: Magic

"Tap into the earth's metals."

Iron III: conjure ranged projectiles

Magma I

Category: Magic

Magma I: Attacks with pyrus that ignores RES and 1x burn damage.

Magma II

Category: Magic

Magma II: Attacks with pyrus that ignores RES and 2x burn damage.

Magma III

Category: Magic

Magma III: Attacks with pyrus that ignores RES and 3x burn damage.

Light I

Category: Magic

"Bask your allies in a rejuvinating light."

Light I: heal a single target

Light II

Category: Magic

"Bask your allies in a rejuvinating light."

Light II: heals your entire party

Light III

Category: Magic

"Bask your allies in a rejuvinating light."

Light III: revive a single target

Wealth I

Category: Magic

Wealth I: rewards increased by 10%

Wealth II

Category: Magic

Wealth II: rewards increased by 25%, guaranteed 1 item for any activity

Wealth III

Category: Magic

Wealth III: rewards increased by 50%, 20% chance to roll a rare item for any activity

Psychic I

Category: Magic

"Take control of battles using psychokinesis."

Psychic I: levitate large objects

Psychic II

Category: Magic

"Take control of battles using psychokinesis."

Psychic II: create force fields and light force blasts

Psychic III

Category: Magic

"Take control of battles using psychokinesis."

Psychic III: fire concentrated beams and manipulate gravity

Flora I

Category: Magic

"Take control of battles using psychokinesis."

Flora I: create temporary companions out of vegetation

Flora II

Category: Magic

"Take control of battles using psychokinesis."

Flora II: manipulate the growth of small vegetation

Flora III

Category: Magic

"Take control of battles using psychokinesis."

Flora III: manipulate vegetation into weaponry

20 results found.