<a href="https://valshenn.net/world/items?name=Black Wolpertinger" class="display-item">Black Wolpertinger</a>

Black Wolpertinger

Rarity: 7

With the mix of deer, rabbit and bird; this little guy is an anxious little fellow, but full of fight when push comes to shove. While Wolpertinger's are considered a rare, lucky sight; this poor fellow ends up ropped in with the same superstitions as black cats.

  • Custom Familiar
    • Species: Wolpertinger
      • +5 EXP when drawn with kemata.
      • +20 ATK
      • Brings back 500 Opals, but has a 30% chance to loose 250 of them...
        • Applies to activities, prompts, events, and NPC request boards.
      • Brings back 1 extra item on Spooky Day events.
  • Owned by Vixeona
  • Resale: 2500 Opals


Custom Familiar; Unobtainable