<a href="https://valshenn.net/world/items?name=Floral Skele-puppy" class="display-item">Floral Skele-puppy</a>

Floral Skele-puppy

Category: Familiars

Rarity: 5

Artist: Kemataden

Resale Value: 1000 Opals

A little baby skellie monster that you’ve managed to tame! Thanks to your love and care he’s started to grow flowers out from his bones. That’s normal for skellies, right?

  • Familiar
    • Species: Skelly
      • Brings back 2 ores on Mining rolls
      • 10% chance to bring back 1 Fox Skull
      • Brings back 1 flower/plant from Red Wind Hills regardless of area the roll is set in. Item amount cannot be affected by anything
  • One per Kemata, does not stack
  • Resale: 1000 Opals