<a href="https://valshenn.net/world/items?name=Leafy Ribbon Seadragon" class="display-item">Leafy Ribbon Seadragon</a>

Leafy Ribbon Seadragon

Rarity: 7

Artist: restingden

Likes to collect shiny rocks and coins that get lost and scattered among the sea floor. Even shiny and colorful soda cans become part of their collection. They only permit their owner to check out their prized possessions!

  • Custom Familiar
    • Species: Leafy Seadragon
      • Brings back one extra item on beach combing rolls.
      • Also brings back 2,000 opals on beach combing rolls.
  • Perma Bound to Melodic Memory and cannot be removed.
  • Resale: 0.00


Custom Familiar; Unobtainable