Lunar Wand
{ Lunar Wand } - Has a 25% chance to bring back 3 Moon Flowers, the other 75% is a chance to bring back 5 Pink Cat Flowers. Applies to all activities and Monster Hunts. Does not apply for SMH, NPC Requests, Bandit Fights, or Biweekly Prompts/Events
flavor text
- Custom Equipment
- Has a 25% chance to bring back 3 Moon Flowers.
- The other 75% chance is to bring back 5 Pink Cat Flowers.
- Applies to all activties and monster hunts.
- Does not apply for SMH, NPC Requests, Bandit Fights, Prompts etc.
- Owned by Tovaks
- Resale: 0.00
Custom Equipment; Unobtainable